wow, I read the whole thing and with this being a hot topic at our local clubs I have to admit there are pros and cons but still no mercy for the newbs, kids, and wives of some of us that put their rigs up at comp time and dont compete. Novice, sportsman, whatever it needs to be called should be used to get new people in the hobby and help them learn the driver skills soooo desperately needed to be competitive.
If the pro drivers want to play then let them play with a point handicap based on local knowledge of that particular person (Example) If Austin wants to play no problem because he is going to have to overcome a 20 point handicap this crawl and if he wins it will be 25 points and so forth up to a 5 wins which he would no longer be allowed to run novice. On the same note if a Newbie wins 5 then he should be ready to move up to full blown 2.2 class.
Keep the rules simple, NO DIG, 8.4 volts max. Simply put you got to keep it simple for the newbie or not so talented people and not cater so much to the less than pro guys that want to dominate a lower level that is really neede to promote the Hobby. And BTW dont we have a rules committee that should be setting down the Novice class rules??
Anyway I checked my pockets and that was my 2c worth.:roll: