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Sonoma County Crawlers

Sonoma County Scaler Krew kicked ass Yesterday at the Recon Folsom G6 blues event.J-Fab got first i got second and Mr.V got fourth Mad4Rnr did a good job not sure on what place he got,KevsG burned up his ESC.

I stripped my rear driver side of my aluminum locker at the end of my second course and had to do the whole 100 gate course in three wheel drive..

The Recon Crew really know how to put on a scaler event..cant wait for the next one.
Hey guys Iam going to be in Santa Rosa the weekend after next, is Flat Rock useable this time of the year? That place rocked when Charlie had that Scale event there last year. Thanks
TIM! I have a new plan for you my friend. Go to Daves house about 5 or 5:30. We'll light up your truck, I mean, I'll Light up your truck. Just bring some LED's, I think I have the rest of what you need. Or dave does. Then, you can night crawl again. It is sort of a crime to RC Humanity that you don't have any LED's on any of your trucks.... Seriously dude... :) Noon to night... Youll break something first.... Kill that plan. You shouldn't be out on the rocks all by yourself with one hand anyway, its not safe.

FLAT ROCKIN TONIGHT FOR SURE. Got new motors, new bumper, and a 2nd Truck to test out tonight. I'm planning for a Long Haul Crawl, bringing all my packs.
flat rock

See yall there. Should be a killer night. Trying to make it to daves around 5:30 or so be at work till then! sorry i missed u this weekend charlie:cry: maybe next weekend we can do some crawlin at my spot, might have to work thou.
:badger:wasnt sure what this was so had to post it
Wow, I would be pissed! Is that from a fall, or did somebody sit on it?

About a three foot fall. Nothing crazy, but a shitty body. Dave actually said before the night started that the body wouldn't make it throu the night. Body wasn't worth the paint he sprayed on it!
LOL, he spent more time putting the paint and stickers on then he did driving it.

Body is nice and detailed, just a bit thin. I think when they look good, they can't flex and hold up like the other lexan bodies.
Dobber: Flat rock is a sick spot, lots of trail even when it's half under water. We usually only go at night, but in the day light its a treasure trove of crawling. There's rock all over the place.

Beyond the occasional teenager group or random neighborhood folks checking things out, the place is great. "thumbsup" The fellas go out pretty regular like, I'll be back up this way in a couple weeks, and will be harrasing everyone to go out again! I got 2 Trucks Now!
Scaler stuff ...........

IVE been watchen all the posts on flat rock . Its allways looked cool . I will have my scaler done this week , A LOT OF DOING . But cant wait . Just got my Airtronics SD-10G to run the scaler with , Its bitchen 3 pos switches everywhere , Alot of reading to get it right , But badd ass . See ya at the rock . :mrgreen::mrgreen: