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Sonoma County Crawlers

suoer crawlin

Dave you rememeber how to charge those bats? It was 82 out here yesterday and today is turning out to be even better :flipoff:
super crawlin

Must cell phones don't work at the gate so if your late call when your on calistoga rd. So I can come unlock it for yeah. 11 o'clock meet up woot woot super crawlin bowl oh yeah:twisted:
Scale sun

Ive been tryen to steal a scaler so i can come play , Sounds like aton of fun . Getten one tomarrow . Should have it built this week . :mrgreen: Post some pics of the fun . :mrgreen:
Super Crawling Sunday Bowl was SICK, Thanks Travor! Food was killer, thanks guys! I'll get my pictures up later today.
Super crawlin

Super Crawling Sunday Bowl was SICK, Thanks Travor! Food was killer, thanks guys! I'll get my pictures up later today.

Mr. V with the highlight of the day! falling of a 4ft rock then tumbling,rollin down a 100yard hill/ cliff! no parts broken or missing"thumbsup" wish we had a vid it was super sick. more than 50 flips!:lmao:
Thanks for a great day of crawlin "T". Awsome spot you got there. Can't wait for the next time:twisted:
I'm a slacker. My neighbor that had the open router moved, so my internet isn't as dialed and free as it used to be.




The Slide Show:
http://s1009.photobucket.com/albums... Super Sunday Crawl Bowl/?albumview=slideshow