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Sonoma County Crawlers

new links, i know MR.T i need to bend up the battery tray.

im not gonna make to FR tonight.
to cold and alot of water flowing and after to many safety meeting your truck will swimming.
Me and ynmech are hitting the 101 tomarrow around 2pm if anyone else wants to join for a black friday crawl.:twisted::twisted:
Yeah, I need a RC Body Suit with room for my Transmitter.

In case you guys Didn't know, this Sunday is the JPH Indoor Flying Day! I know it's not rock qrualling, but it's still awesome...... "thumbsup"

Hey tim thats Cool . I have one of those , Its A TCS Tuber ? . The only thing is that its hard to fit everything in. And make it crawl good. Still there cool , And im sure you will make it really BAD A@# . "thumbsup"
Anybody gonna go out Crawling Tonight?

It's gonna be "cold", but I found my Cloves and My Hat yesterday!

Also, this Sunday, we're thinking of doing a Shiloh Run. Trying to meet up just before 9AM, crawl for a few hours, then got to R.P. for the Indoor Flying fun. There's a Raffle at the Flying Thing! Free!

So far, me, Lance, Rich Dog, Clint, and I think Frank. Anybody else down?

There is some water on trail, usually its not much more then axle deep. You gotta walk about 100 yards to the trail head, since it's the weekend, and it's a horse trail I'm asking EVERYONE to Back Pack in their Truck AND their Controller. Mainly we just don't want any grief from "anyone" as we're all going off the trail and will be hidden in the woods for hours. Also, Back Pack the Trucks/Radios OUT too. Just don't want to get reported or have a ranger "check on us" in any way shape or form if we can avoid it. Shiloh's a KILLER spot.