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Sonoma County Crawlers

I'm in Ukiah area for work ocasionally and would be interested in the indoor setup when winter sets in. Tried to find a good outdoor spot, but my time is limited for driving around the hils and lookin. Lots of great spots on private property there. Need the heads up on some good accessible locations to the public.

When I'm in town I'll post up again and bring my TLT. "thumbsup"
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I'm in Ukiah area for work ocasionally and would be interested in the indoor setup when winter sets in. Tried to find a good outdoor spot, but my time is limited for driving around the hils and lookin. Lots of great spots on private property there. Need the heads up on some good accessible locations to the public.

When I'm in town I'll post up again and bring my TLT. "thumbsup"

Hey Natedog,

Thanks for your response, but I have to be real careful on what I say about developing this idea. Tried posting the same question in a desire to get more feed back and information, and got a slap on the wrist for "Pimping my goods" or putting up what is known as a "feeler thread" so if there is anyone else that would interested please PM me so no rules are broken.

Man, I've been super busy and haven't been on the boards lately but I am still here. Put me on your list of locals, if your still compiling one.
Hmmm, I can't believe I've missed this thread ...

Let's put our minds to work on finding a location to have a get together once this rain stops! There has just got to be a place! I know Bodega Head will take a while to dry out, but we could do something there early summer ...

Post up, or shoot me an e-mail to be added to a "locals" list and we'll keep everyone informed on what's going on.

I just stumbled acrossed this thread too. I am still working out some bugs in my AX-10 but it is up and running pretty much everyday(and in pieces every night LOL) When one of ya get something together shoot me a p.m. and I will try to hook up.
Whats up guys! JK Fab..I live off of Fulton, close to Occidental, in Countryside..that little gated area there next to the church. Howarth Park is where I run as well..havent found any other real worthwhile spots. Although, today I stumbled upon Wrights beach heading out towards Jenner. Not rocky, but they have...dont really know how to describe them correctly, but basically...plants. So, it would be more like trail driving more than crawling, but it was pretty fun.

As Jake was saying for a meet up spot. As I said, and others Howarth Park seems to be popping up a lot in peoples suggestions. Plus, they have BBQ's there(I believe), so we could have a little cook out and romp around.
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What's up all. I've been crawling for about a year and a half now, I have a 2.2 comp, droop tube super and a 1.9 scaler. I live in Petaluma and work in Rohnert Park. I know about 10 dudes in the area who can be considered hard-core crawlers.

As far as I know there is only a couple places to crawl in the northern bay-area; Bodega head and Goat rock being the most popular. There must be more though...

A couple months back I attempted to a create a flier/email sign-up to get Sonoma county crawlers together. I had a couple copies of the sign-up sheet at Hobby Town in Petaluma and Jakes in Rohnert Park. Currently the list is about 30 deep. If you want to be on the list PM here or email me at: MadDogRC@comcast.net

We need to organize a get together soon! Let decide on a date and spot and I can use my list to get the word out.


PS- see my google map that I created to log n-bay crawl spots

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Hey guys,

I see that most on this thread seem to be looking for a place to meet others and to be able to enjoy their sport. I sure would like your input and opinion as to wither the above mentioned need could be taken care of if someone were to establish an indoor crawling course/hobby shop where comps could be run. I have been throwing around the idea of an indoor crawling course, and would need to know if there would be a demand or even a genuine interest in establishing something like this.
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Sure would like to find out what the interest would be. Thanks.

"If you build it, they will come"
I live up in Windsor and work in Rohnert Park, it would be cool to see some Sonoma County events, it looks like we have plenty of interest! See you all out on the rocks
Talon: Windsor has a park on the East side of town, somewhere past the Fire Dept. Are there any crawler spots there? I've ridden mountian bikes there ages ago, but can't remember if there's any spots that might work for crawlers ....
Jake: There is some stuff at foothill, rocks scattered around and concrete spillways on the reservoir, never really looked at it as a crawling spot before, so I'll have to go scout it and take some pictures. There is also shiloh regional, mostly dirt too, but same thing, i'll have to scout it, but there is a creek very near to the parking lot with rocks and some decent climbs. Down side as compared with Howarth is that both have all dirt trails, so this time of year they are kind of a mess for someone on foot.
Talon: What part of Howarth do you crawl at? Yeah, with this weather, every place will be a sloppy mess! Good time to build, bad time to crawl ...
It's good to see this thread finally getting some action. It's been quiet for a loooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggg time.

Like others have said, the coast has some really good crawling but it would be nice to locate something closer.

The last time I was at Howart Park I found some descent looking spots but didn't have my crawler with me. May have to take another trip out on a sunny, or at least non-rainy, weekend. I'll have to check but I believe I still have an account on Google's Google Earth forum. From there we can upload Google Earth placemarks for any places we find and download them into our local copies.

I had previously asked Badger or the other site admins to allow these to be uploaded as attachments but never heard back from them.

I'll re-check and post up the link when I find it.
It's good to see this thread finally getting some action....... I believe I still have an account on Google's Google Earth forum........ I'll re-check and post up the link when I find it.

Hey, were you guys able to view my google map that I posted above?

I got an error when I checked from my blackberry but wasn't sure if you guys could from regular computers.

If you all send me GPS coordinates for potential crawl spots I'll put them on the map so we can review and discuss.

I've been to Howarth Park and thought the rocks were too few
and far between for a comp, but for a GTG it will work. I think there is a picnic spot on the Northwest side of the parking lot that has the largest rock pile in the whole park. Maybe we should reserve that spot for a day and meet up to crawl.. I will scope out the spot number this weekend.

Coming in off Summerfield, in the "main" entrance(rock pillars on each side). The first set of parking spots..then off to the right a bit; towards the playground, is a pretty decent pile, thats where I crawl. Then theres a couple other simple piles that are pretty cool as well.
Anyone been out to Helen Putnam park in Petaluma? If I remember right it was pretty rocky. Gonna have to run out there tomorrow if I get a chance. I'll let y'all know.
Mad4Rnr - Yeah the map worked for me.

There are some other rock piles further into the park, in fact, they might even be in Spring Lake park. Hard to remember since they both seem to blend together.
Okay guys, I created a new topic in the Google Earth community for Radio Control Rock Crawling under Earth > Sports and hobbies. Here's the link to it: http://bbs.keyhole.com/ubb/showflat.php/Cat/0/Number/1104913/

You will need to create an account if you don't already have one. From there you should also be able to post your saved GE placemarks. I already uploaded the placemark for Goat Rock/Monument Rock.