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Sonoma County Crawlers

Wes: I need a tour of that spot ... We should set up a time and go crawlin'!

Also, I have a mtn bike, if you know of any spots that need a bike to get to!! "thumbsup"

any time Jake.. we'll give you the personal tour.you let me know what day works for you.
Also, I have a mtn bike, if you know of any spots that need a bike to get to!! "thumbsup"

Jake, Annadale Park...has about 3 or 4 old rock quarries scatted around. One is no longer accessable by trail...old Ryolite trail plus others. They all still can be reached by foot or bike. But, crawler probably should be hidden in a back pack ie: no motorized vechiles allowed! Park rule :-(
The quarrys were used to mine cobble stone for the building of SF. And I have run every trail legal or bandit nin that Park. Used to be one of those crazy loooong distance runners (50 and 100 milers). Also the trail to the top of Mt St Helena has alot of great places to crawl...you just have to hike or bike to get to them.

Regarding rattlers, they are more afraid of you and will not bite unless yu practaly step on them so just check out an area as you enter it. Also, there are scorpians that also hang out under rocks...just another touch of excitement added to the thrill of crawlin'.....1:1s roll overs...1:10....snakes bugs and posion plants oh my! my spelling bites, too!

My point is that there are lots of places to crawl in Sonoma Cnty...and I have been looking for ones that are not hard to get to and do not take alot of effort. I will share all that I find....it helps to promote our Hobbie and share the stuff we all enjoy.
Rudy: I'll get a map of the park, and you can show me where to find those cool old trails!

Ok everyone, it's Weds and the Comp is 3 days away! Hope you all are ready and looking forward to it! The buzz around the shop has been good. Might even have some traveling guys showing up for some fun! I've got some cool course laid out, and some new additions being finished up.

Spread the word, Saturday's the day!
Your welcome, and thanks for the info n the bow ties...they hookup real well.."thumbsup"

See you all on Saturday...
I think there is some at Awesome Hobbies in Healdsburg but otherwise I think that thats it, I used to go to The Plastic Surgeon on 4th street but he quit the business
I think there is some at Awesome Hobbies in Healdsburg but otherwise I think that thats it, I used to go to The Plastic Surgeon on 4th street but he quit the business

Yea i remember going into that store when i first moved up here, He had a lot of really nice stuff in there. I'll have to give awesome a call thanks, Even though it would probably cost me more in gas to drive up there then to have it shipped from somewhere.:roll:
Hey Guys..
I had a little outing today, this spot is right off of hwy 37 & 101, marsh road exit.( first exit on hwy 37 east.)
It's not exactly Moab, but it's not bad. There's more than a few decent hills,still some good mudholes, and the soil is mostly hardpack & gravel. I seem to be on the road back from the bay area all the time, so it's an easy place to pull of the road and have some fun.



I want one of those shirts in "red" of course. Nib, good thing you didn't get stuck in that mud bog...no wench lol...net time I am near Novato I'll check it out.
Anyone else as stoked about tomorrow as I am? Also I've started getting together some fairly large rocks in my backyard for a little practice course, it's turning out pretty nice.

yeah, I was to chicken, this is as close as I got. When you see an old pair of socks next to the hole, you learn to steer away!
Anyone else as stoked about tomorrow as I am? Also I've started getting together some fairly large rocks in my backyard for a little practice course, it's turning out pretty nice.
Looks like a great start! You should start your own Crawl Park, just tell your folks your getting into landscaping!;-)
looking forward to this one the rig is much better than last comp, can't wait to see what Jake has planed for this one . :shock: