So, now it's shop-stop..! At least until I find something really cool that I just GOT TO HAVE..!!
Coz' now I guess I got what I need for the Sport..
Unpacked.. (Not the car itself tho', I've decided not to open the packaging on it before I've finished the Raptor body completely..)
I'm going for the same ESC as on the first chassis, Mamba X FTW!
I am also using the same type motor as on the first one, 2280KV sensored motor from Castle.
The only "wildcard" is the Servo. But a friend of mine says that this Servo is very good, so I'll try this one..
And at last, the axle housings.
They get two pictures..
I also got a few other goodies, like the castle BEC if I find that useful, alu horn with 25T, some wires and other misc. stuff needed.. So, yeah.. Maybe I need to check out on some new bodies, since the ones I got just fit the long wheelbase.. But that's a later chapter!! I guess..