Rock Crawler
Here are some to add...
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Sweet, I thought I missed some. :mrgreen:Here are some to add...
Quick question...I was looking at a thread of a Honcho with 2.2 Flat Irons and it got me thinking. However, the sizes you have listed for the 2.2 Flat Iron are different than the Pro-line website. Can you verify the sizes?
I think this thread is far more useful then the one that is stickied, i vote to STICK IT!
That's awesome! Tire weights would be nice too! Great thread and thanks for creating/updating the chart Justinart! "thumbsup"
Tire third from left is RC4WD Rok Lox?
Here is some info about scale tires and what Class they can go into.
**Just FYI, these tires are the only ones I found Manufacture dimensions for.
If you find any more scale tires, feel free to provide the information on this thread with a link."thumbsup"
thanks, your chart is the shiz! An update would be sweet! "thumbsup"8)
Just Fyi, I just updated my list with Pitbull, Proline and RC4WD tires. Note your list is out of date, RC4WD has updated about 60% of there tire sizes.Here, try this one. I've been keeping it up to date and just added a PDF version.