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Sacramento Scaler GTG/Comps

hey guys. there will be a group of us going out to folsom lake at dotton piont on sunday about 10:00 am. bruce and jay from rccountry hobbies, sam from rc rockarmer there will be a good group of us out there so you are wellcome to come out and enjoy a good day with us.
sure you guys don't want to start a little earlier. was out there today and by 10:00 it was pretty warm.

if i get my rigs buttoned up i should make it, i'll bring some swim trunks also "thumbsup"
what a great day of scaling at the lake. I forgot how much fun it was scaling with my son"thumbsup"I forgot how good he is:shock: Im glad hes getting back into r/c again"thumbsup"
did some work to the yota added expanded metal to the side guards,roof rack with light bar,dog with his kennel,made up an air tank and this weekend will be adding rear winch. took some pics enjoy"thumbsup"
looks like im off work today, gna head out to deer creek for a few, mite go bck out later too if anyone wants to meet up?? send me a txt or call 916-281-5738
So found this cool little spot across the street from my house,killer part under a overpass so shade!! had some cool lines took some pics"thumbsup"
