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Sacramento Scaler GTG/Comps

Would someone map deer creek for me.i have not lived here long.

Not really any parking on the street, so park on the back-side near the tracks. Like 530 said - you can go through Reibes parking lot to the dirt, go left and park; or you can jump the curb on Farron St. I need to get back out there again.
Google Maps
yeah im going to wait for the next GTG so i can check out some of the scaler's. I found out i like to build them more then drive them LOL
The more it's used the more the poison oak gets trampled down, would be a good time to do some pruning and spraying to eradicate it.
Just got back from tahoe and man do I wish I brought a crawler there are crawl spots everywhere. Got lucky and got to come home a day early :) I might see ya guys at deer creek this evening.
I'm thinking friday 7 pm. We can run 40 Gates. or 2 a few courses. Do it trail run style? Keep it scale and have some fun. Cost is free!! but donations towards our mtn will be greatly excepted :) Need about 200$. Let me know If that works for everyone.