got it!
so you want 1:2 ratio.
yup, the pinion will need to be huge.
i have an idea using a lnc trans, when i get home this evening ill check and see if it'll work.
what about trying to reverse the gear size on a gru from great planes? they are like 10 bucks. or you could use it in conjunction with the lnc trans maybe.. hmmm...
scratch what I said. make it belt drive.
Those GRU units wont last a puller motor :ror: ...... and a belt would look like tinsel after one course.
Bob, you guys are putting my poor old brain into over load try to follow what you're trying to do.:lmao::lmao:
I love math and numbers but I just can never seem to understand gear ratios.
Are you sure? You want to reduce revs not to increase them, I'm I correct? In that case you want right the opposite
Problem with the Losi's is youre always running the motor at max RPM to get any speed, you end up cooking motors. The reduction is done in the axles on a Losi where as an Axial does it in the trans. The motor works less on an Axial then a Losi.
If I can double the output, over drive it, then I should be able to run a motor at half its normal power and get the same at the axles as if I was running wide throttle. The motor would run more efficient and cooler .... and axles stay around normal temps.