I wanna be Dave
Decased mmp or micro x is as small as you can get for BL esc. Holmes puller pro stubby is a good BL motor too.
I've built a few of these for members I built axles for. They tuck behind the servo arm. Just some 1/8" SS rod and a couple SS 3mm screws. Works pretty good. With your skills I'm sure you could put it together!
2850kv and 3s (then mess with gearing). You could even run 4s if you like to party.:mrgreen:
JK, that esc is only rated for 2-3s.
I was running a roc412 3100kv on 3s with 20t pinion. Now I run a holmes puller pro stubby 3300kv on 3s with 18t pinion. And running a decased MMP. Only reason I went to the stubby is its shorter and lighter."thumbsup"
Have some plans for a new chassis next season 8).
New chassis means "new" transmission and a more normal driveshaft angle/placement ;-)
My current tranny has a 3,67 ratio,-have been tinkering with the LNC tranny and came up with this more compact 3,33 ratio LNC solution :
Motor is only for mock-up ;-)