microgoat said:I saw the tire on the couch, so the build thread is underway. Can I hijack it now? :lol:
jason said:My god there are some stupid people. Do you really think we'd just turn the site off?
microgoat said:What are the chances these kids would actually read a book if you did shut it down?
Or is it just asking too damn much?
LIKES2CRAWL said:Hmmmmmm........NO STAR.......NO SITE!:idea:
Unholy said:Interesting idea...
No star = Only gets to post in newbie general
Star = Post in the other forums.
Then newbie general becomes the test bed. No flaming allowed, Member can help the "noobs" that deserve it, ignore the idiots... Members can "sponsor" a noob of their choice who can't afford a star on their own. Noobs can't buy a star until someone sponsors them, maybe? hmmmm...
microgoat said:What are the chances these kids would actually read a book if you did shut it down?
Or is it just asking too damn much?
BrandO said:Most of them can't spell. What makes you think they could read a book? They would be stuck on page one for most of the summer. The rest of the summer would be spent looking for a BOOKMARK so they wouldn't lose THEIR place.
badger said:You can view the TPS reports here:
Film on TPS Reports
That is one of my favorite all time commercials. :lol:1badjeepbruiser said:HAHA thats some funny shiat, I just got the internet back here at work, I never scene a company with so many server issues.