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Rant Thread

Glad you got your money back. That's a lot to be out of pocket. And as I always emphasize to my wife... you have to lean on companies to get them to follow through on their obligations or responsibilities. They're not going to look out for your interests.

I had to do the same thing with the other insurance company on Monday.

We dropped off the rental last week, which the other company was paying for. Enterprise signed off on it and we waited for our security deposit to be refunded. A few days go by, no refund. I call Enterprise and they tell me that the rental exceeded the allotted 30 days and they were waiting for the insurance company to authorize the additional 6 days before they would refund my deposit. :evil: I had to call the other guy's company and explain to them that my truck wasn't ready until 5 days after the allotment and I dropped off the rental the next day. After some back and forth, they finally authorized the additional 6 days. Then I had to call Enterprise to make sure they were aware that the extra time had been authorized so I could get my damn money back. :roll:

We had that rental for over two months. At some point my wife had put something on the hood :shock: and left some nice, 12+ inch clear coat scratches. The day before the turn in, I was out there with buffing compound trying to lessen the scratches. Thankfully, it was somewhat rainy on the day we brought it back, so water was masking the scratches.
I had to do the same thing with the other insurance company on Monday.

We dropped off the rental last week, which the other company was paying for. Enterprise signed off on it and we waited for our security deposit to be refunded. A few days go by, no refund. I call Enterprise and they tell me that the rental exceeded the allotted 30 days and they were waiting for the insurance company to authorize the additional 6 days before they would refund my deposit. :evil: I had to call the other guy's company and explain to them that my truck wasn't ready until 5 days after the allotment and I dropped off the rental the next day. After some back and forth, they finally authorized the additional 6 days. Then I had to call Enterprise to make sure they were aware that the extra time had been authorized so I could get my damn money back. :roll:

We had that rental for over two months. At some point my wife had put something on the hood :shock: and left some nice, 12+ inch clear coat scratches. The day before the turn in, I was out there with buffing compound trying to lessen the scratches. Thankfully, it was somewhat rainy on the day we brought it back, so water was masking the scratches.

Yep. When we had our accident last year, I made sure to keep everything documented and organized throughout the entire process. I never had to necessarily fight with the other insurance company but I did have to prod them along every couple days... always making sure that I was doing everything I needed to do and putting the ball back in their court. The first week or two was the worst because the other ins company was doing all that they could to find any way to deny our claim. Once that was settled, the wheels started slowly turning. Really glad looking back, that I had audio/ video from our local police department to back up my side of the story. Not sure if the insurance company ever looked or listened to any of it but being able to provide it allowed me to have a little peace of mind.

We didn't have any issues with Enterprise nor the body shop ( that I insisted we go with because it was who our local Toyota dealership highly recommended) but at the time of taking possession of the rental car, I specifically went around with the Enterprise rep and pointed out all of the dings and scratches and took pics so that they couldn't come back on us and say that we had caused any of the [preexisting] damage. The guy acted a little annoyed but I wanted to make sure to cover my ass since I knew that they wouldn't go out of their way to look out for us and I sure didn't want to jeopardize getting our full deposit back.

Again.. glad you were finally able to put it behind you and move forward.
So I broke down and ordered a Ryft kit that was on sale. A little fathers day present to moi! Of course, FedEx lost it. Well, didn't lose it apparently, but delivered it somewhere else.

It showed as delivered at 12:23 last Friday...Being that I was staining my front deck until about 12:40, I knew right away it went somewhere else. I called about 1 hour after I saw it was mis-delivered, waited on hold for 38 minutes, and finally indicated as such - Is there a way to get hold of the driver? Can it be recovered?? The FedEx rep (from India) said nope, they will investigate and get back to me...at least, I think, I could barely make out what he was saying. Meanwhile, I should "drive up and down my street" to see if I can find it. Huh. A simple call to the driver might have saved everyone a lot of time and $, but what do I know. I did drive around a bit here in the boonies, sipping $5.19 gas the entire time, but no package was found.

So five days later, I get a call asking if I found my package. Me? I indicated, no, I did not - How did the investigation go? He said I needed to file a claim... I asked is the truck GPS tracked? Where was it at 12:23 on Friday? I'll go get it myself....Long pause..."You'll need to contact the shipper and have a claim filed" ....so clearly it went somewhere else and could not be recovered, or they have no idea.

First off, how much of an utter douchenozzle do you have to be to get a package clearly not for you and keep it for yourself? I get stuff for the neighbors on occasion, and I usually drop it off at their house next time I go out, or put a note on it for the postlady. It would never in a million years occur to me to open it and check it out. IT'S NOT MINE TO OPEN!

Second, what is it with FedEx? "Go look for it yourself?" Really? this is the third time they have utterly whiffed on a package delivery - once the driver was able to recover it (opened and missing parts - some asshat strikes again) the other two times I've had to go the claim route. You have one job!!! For crying out loud.... And the rep on the phone had zero customer service skills. Didn't even apologize.

At least AMain was cool about it and didn't give me any crap. I thought they were going to give me a hard time since I didn't do signature required, but no one has asked for a signature in nearly 2 years. My SCX6 - worth 3X - was shipped sig required, but I found laying in the front yard next to the driveway! (Again, FedEx) I just re-ordered the Ryft and this time paid the $16 extra to go UPS.
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OSRC, I feel your pain.. I cannot stand FedEx. If I have a choice I will always pay extra for usps or ups. I least you’re getting a replacement but what a pain in the ass.

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I’ll start off with, yes I own Rc’s that are worth more than my DD but my truck does it’s job and I’m ok with that.
8 months or so ago I was headed home from out of town, stopped to check the mail at my apartment shut the truck off, go to restart no dice. Flashing theft light.
Granted my ‘01 F150 has 208,000 miles
and I was using the original key. So I decided to have 2 new keys cut. Everything was fine n dandy for 8 MONTHS. Until last night, I was making a similar drive but going to see some family. Stop at a gas station 5 min from my destination get back in the truck. Crank no start, flashing theft light.
Left me stranded for over an hour, and the part I believe is the culprit is discontinued, you can only buy.. I mean gamble on a used one from eBay. No way to bypass it or anything. I guess they really do try to force you out of the old and into the new. Might have to start thinking about a new daily that doesn’t have this theft crap

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Huh....still driving my '03 FX4 (with 54k on it) with the original keys. Never even had to change the battery yet. Never heard of an issue like that with the anti-theft system, that's really odd.

I have a loaded 2014 Ram too - Can I say for the record that touch screens suck? On my Ford, I reach down by feel and know exactly where everything is. With the Ram, almost everything is on the touch screen and it's a pain in the rear.
First-world Rant...

Many moons ago the wife and I got ATVs... much fun. The premise behind getting my ATV was to move snow, of which, it has moved a lot of the stuff. The wife, who had sworn off of ATVs years prior due to a little misadventure of my making, rode my ATV once, and decided that she had to have one of her own.

Fast forward to now...
Both ATVs are getting a few years on them, but really don't have that much time on them. The wife's really only gets ridden once or twice a year, and that is when we make our annual ATV run up to a lodge in the nearby back-county. Sadly, we are both getting older, and there are things about the ATVs that make them uncomfortable to ride. One of the biggest is the thumb throttle, it is a little painful before arthritis decided to set in, but even going out in the nearby woods to plink off some .22 rounds has gotten painful. My ATV, a Foreman 500, is difficult to ride at speed due to its solid back axle; the wife's is a Rubicon, and it screams over the rough terrain with its independent suspension. There are a number of other issues that really make us not look forward to riding...

We still like to be out in the woods, one with nature while having the throttle wide open. Forever I have been trying to talk the wife into getting a side-by-side. Something we both can ride in comfortability, only one machine to maintain, and something that I can still use to plow and do work on the property. She has resisted because she likes the 'bike' feeling of her ATV, even though she can't ride for long, and does not ride much at all. Because both ATVs are in great shape, and because her ATV has low hours, we'll get a good trade-in on a new machine. But, it is her ATV, unless she is willing to part with it, I am not going to trade it in. Finally she is starting to see the light, and has agreed that it is time for us to change how we scoot through the woods.

Having done a ton of research, I have landed on the Can Am Commander XT-P. Its a big machine, great for work and for fun, and has the power to get us down the trail. Yup, all is right with the world... The problem, is that no one has any. The dealers have to order 20 at a time, for some ridiculous reason. So, to get one, I have to put a deposit down then wait until next month. IF the dealer has 20 orders on the books, they submit the order to BRP. If they don't have 20 orders ready to go, they wait until the next month to order, because they only have a small ordering window each month. After ordering, if EVERYTHING goes right, they are no supply chain SNAFUs, and the gods are smiling, three to six months later we will get our machine. ***sigh*** :roll:

Like I said, first-world problem....
I’m moving back to California from Oregon at the end of the month. I had a job lined up with a relocation bonus at my old dealership with the service manager that was there when I left 5 years ago. Well since then, he quit and now the new service manager and shop foreman and like oh well that bonus was only to get you here earlier.. now that you’re coming on your own that’s off the table. It’s going to cost me about $4,500 out of pocket to move back and I’d been promised at least $5,000. Now that I’ve told them I won’t be returning to work there everyone’s confused. Why go back to a place that promised something and doesn’t deliver? Granted I didn’t get it in writing or anything but man not what I was expecting 4 weeks before the move

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I 100% agree with not taking the job. The whole mess is starting off with bad blood, and will likely not get better with time. If they were willing to compensate for the bonus with higher pay, that might change things.

New rant... Tie-down gear.

I just bought a new trailer, it is an 12x6 with a wooden deck. I put down four 5' chunks of e-track to give me a good amount of flexibility for tying things down. The trailer itself is a bit weird for a utility trailer, it has zero build-in tie-down points. Anyhooo.... At the same time I am updating and replacing my own ratchet straps with new stuff with a higher load rating. One annoying thing I am seeing is manufacturers be prominent in the breaking rating, but hiding the working load in the fine print. I find this annoying. I break strength is a good number to know, but I care more about the working load, and not exceeding it.
****ing FedEx again. They are the worst shipping company on the face of the planet. I'm amazed they can even find their way out of the warehouse in their trucks at this point.
****ing FedEx again. They are the worst shipping company on the face of the planet. I'm amazed they can even find their way out of the warehouse in their trucks at this point.

They were supposed to deliver a signature required package to me one day, saw the status update that they tried to deliver but I wasn't home - I telework and sit about 5 feet from my front door so I KNOW they did not in fact even try.

Next day, status update said delivered. No package, obviously.

The next day - there was finally a knock at my door and I signed for my damn package, with a thoroughly disgusted demeanor.

I won't be ordering from that retailer again!
Spectrum cable/ internet

I absolutely hate how Spectrum has risen up to monopolize this sector... leaving people like me with no affordable way to have these services. Just over the past few years we've had to absorb a cable bill going from a monthly cost of $135 to $156 to $172 to $183... and now this morning I open up our bill to $204 !!! And we only have ONE PC and ONE TV in our home! And we don't even have any premium channels!

They just simply DO NOT care two shits about their long standing customers. They ONLY care about pushing their service packages to new subscribers at introductory rates which are admittedly quite affordable. But just like AT&T ( the only other option if we want a TV and home computer) it's all about getting you in the door and then slowly but surely going up and up and up and up.

Add to this excessive cost, that our internet and cable reliability is worse than it ever has been. I don't even report all the issues anymore because everything is run and connected correctly... cable was updated/ replaced about a year ago... nothing more they can do from the service end of it. But we get NO reimbursement/ NO compensation when our services aren't working as they should. We just have to live with slow service, dropped signals, certain channels and on-demand services just randomly cutting out or not available at this time/ try again.

The solution they say this morning on the phone? To lower our bill this time, we can pick 15 channels and they'll delete all other channels and drop our bill down to $168. Wow! What an absolutely shitty company. Absolutely ridiculous and they KNOW they have you by the balls unless you want to go to AT&T ( which I've heard enough nightmare stories and similar practices to make me never want to switch to them).

And the icing on the cake is the HORRENDOUS customer service. When we went thru another rate hike a couple years ago, I called and after their rep nor being able to reduce our bill, I insisted to talk to a supervisor who proceed to tell me ( no joke!)... that the rep that I first spoke with would likely be disciplined or possibly even lose their job, due to not being able to handle the issue and having to involve the supervisor. To which I expressed how insanely horrid it was for me as a customer to essentially be made to somehow feel guilty or responsible for the representative not being able to satisfy my concerns. We saved a whopping $15 a month lol after that hours long fiasco. And of course it went back up after a few months... higher than it even was when I called to complain.

Okay... I'm done. Gaaawwd how I HATE Spectrum!
Spectrum cable/ internet

I absolutely hate how Spectrum has risen up to monopolize this sector... leaving people like me with no affordable way to have these services. Just over the past few years we've had to absorb a cable bill going from a monthly cost of $135 to $156 to $172 to $183... and now this morning I open up our bill to $204 !!! And we only have ONE PC and ONE TV in our home! And we don't even have any premium channels!

They just simply DO NOT care two shits about their long standing customers. They ONLY care about pushing their service packages to new subscribers at introductory rates which are admittedly quite affordable. But just like AT&T ( the only other option if we want a TV and home computer) it's all about getting you in the door and then slowly but surely going up and up and up and up.

Add to this excessive cost, that our internet and cable reliability is worse than it ever has been. I don't even report all the issues anymore because everything is run and connected correctly... cable was updated/ replaced about a year ago... nothing more they can do from the service end of it. But we get NO reimbursement/ NO compensation when our services aren't working as they should. We just have to live with slow service, dropped signals, certain channels and on-demand services just randomly cutting out or not available at this time/ try again.

The solution they say this morning on the phone? To lower our bill this time, we can pick 15 channels and they'll delete all other channels and drop our bill down to $168. Wow! What an absolutely shitty company. Absolutely ridiculous and they KNOW they have you by the balls unless you want to go to AT&T ( which I've heard enough nightmare stories and similar practices to make me never want to switch to them).

And the icing on the cake is the HORRENDOUS customer service. When we went thru another rate hike a couple years ago, I called and after their rep nor being able to reduce our bill, I insisted to talk to a supervisor who proceed to tell me ( no joke!)... that the rep that I first spoke with would likely be disciplined or possibly even lose their job, due to not being able to handle the issue and having to involve the supervisor. To which I expressed how insanely horrid it was for me as a customer to essentially be made to somehow feel guilty or responsible for the representative not being able to satisfy my concerns. We saved a whopping $15 a month lol after that hours long fiasco. And of course it went back up after a few months... higher than it even was when I called to complain.

Okay... I'm done. Gaaawwd how I HATE Spectrum!

Comcast/Xfinity is the exact same way. Im stuck with the exact same situation as you
Many years ago, I cut myself down to high-speed internet only from Spectrum - $75 monthly.

My only subscription service is Prime.

Don't even have the time to watch everything out there!
Spectrum cable/ internet

I absolutely hate how Spectrum has risen up to monopolize this sector... leaving people like me with no affordable way to have these services. Just over the past few years we've had to absorb a cable bill going from a monthly cost of $135 to $156 to $172 to $183... and now this morning I open up our bill to $204 !!! And we only have ONE PC and ONE TV in our home! And we don't even have any premium channels!

They just simply DO NOT care two shits about their long standing customers. They ONLY care about pushing their service packages to new subscribers at introductory rates which are admittedly quite affordable. But just like AT&T ( the only other option if we want a TV and home computer) it's all about getting you in the door and then slowly but surely going up and up and up and up.

Add to this excessive cost, that our internet and cable reliability is worse than it ever has been. I don't even report all the issues anymore because everything is run and connected correctly... cable was updated/ replaced about a year ago... nothing more they can do from the service end of it. But we get NO reimbursement/ NO compensation when our services aren't working as they should. We just have to live with slow service, dropped signals, certain channels and on-demand services just randomly cutting out or not available at this time/ try again.

The solution they say this morning on the phone? To lower our bill this time, we can pick 15 channels and they'll delete all other channels and drop our bill down to $168. Wow! What an absolutely shitty company. Absolutely ridiculous and they KNOW they have you by the balls unless you want to go to AT&T ( which I've heard enough nightmare stories and similar practices to make me never want to switch to them).

And the icing on the cake is the HORRENDOUS customer service. When we went thru another rate hike a couple years ago, I called and after their rep nor being able to reduce our bill, I insisted to talk to a supervisor who proceed to tell me ( no joke!)... that the rep that I first spoke with would likely be disciplined or possibly even lose their job, due to not being able to handle the issue and having to involve the supervisor. To which I expressed how insanely horrid it was for me as a customer to essentially be made to somehow feel guilty or responsible for the representative not being able to satisfy my concerns. We saved a whopping $15 a month lol after that hours long fiasco. And of course it went back up after a few months... higher than it even was when I called to complain.

Okay... I'm done. Gaaawwd how I HATE Spectrum!
I do not have TV channels sins 2003 .... Now we just connect the TV to the internet, Kidz watch YouTube or Netflix only, you do not need cable TV anymore.... It's all just endless commercials anyway, smile

Sent from my CPH1937 using Tapatalk
I do not have TV channels sins 2003 .... Now we just connect the TV to the internet, Kidz watch YouTube or Netflix only, you do not need cable TV anymore.... It's all just endless commercials anyway, smile

Sent from my CPH1937 using Tapatalk

Did you not read his post? We have to bundle TV and Internet to get a lower rate on the internet bill...

we have to get these stupid bundles for crap we dont want or use to lower our bill

If I would add more channels and get their phone service I would get more speed on internet and "only" pay $15-$25 more a month. If the TV was worth it maybe it would be a consideration but watching commercials all day is stupid. And I dont need the phone

For me, right now, just Internet for the speeds i have now is like $150 plus, adding basic tv gets me $125. So I "save" $25 a month by using the stupid bundle...but each month it goes up more and more for whatever reason...
Did you not read his post? We have to bundle TV and Internet to get a lower rate on the internet bill...

we have to get these stupid bundles for crap we dont want or use to lower our bill

If I would add more channels and get their phone service I would get more speed on internet and "only" pay $15-$25 more a month. If the TV was worth it maybe it would be a consideration but watching commercials all day is stupid. And I dont need the phone

For me, right now, just Internet for the speeds i have now is like $150 plus, adding basic tv gets me $125. So I "save" $25 a month by using the stupid bundle...but each month it goes up more and more for whatever reason...
Hi , yes maybe i should have explained better, someone mentioned he uses his phone for hotspot? Ok a bit better for house would be the following

On all the vessel jackup i work in any country we use a router as per picture, just insert a prepaid sim card for internet only, no phone, just a slot to insert the simcard

Then your whole house has WiFi internet, up to 10 devices, and if you want or like movies then YouTube has many free movies or Netflix on internet on your "smart TV?

What would be the cost of a simcard just for internet in your place ?


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That could work but many Cellular providers will impose a data use cap on the service. which will then throttle your speeds after a certain bandwidth usage. So working from home with anyone else using the internet could become problematic

As far as 1o users simultaneously, sure, but their experience will be less than optimal. I work in the industry. Eventually the carrier is going to throttle back "excessive" users to ensure that all their customers get a fair slice of the bandwidth the cell tower can support. After that is when the data caps come in and your account becomes throttled all together regardless of what tower you are using.

You cant rely on service like that, especially if you are working form home. Which is why many of us still rely on home internet providers like the cable companies.
I couldn’t tell you the last time I had a home phone.. and I’m not that old. But about 5 years ago my dad was told if he got a home phone his bill would go down.. so he did and it did.. until it didn’t, then he ditched the home phone again hahaha

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