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Rant Thread


Suck it up!
Mar 9, 2008
Why don't we have a rant thread?

Gotta air some shit out. :evil:

Business has been booming at work. We've grown threefold over the past couple of years. We're all making good money, and we've greatly expanded our facilities. Most everybody is friendly with each other and we all get along great. That's all good stuff.


A couple of years ago we bought property and built a new shop. It served its purpose, though it had its design flaws. We just wrapped up and moved into a much larger shop, and it brought along a majority of those flaws, as well as introducing a slew of new ones. The boss designed both, refused to hire a contractor to oversee/guide the process, and learned almost no lessons from last time. He asked for suggestions from those of us that actually spend our days there, and ignored 99% of them. He wants efficiency and productivity, but gives us chaos and stumbling blocks.

We also have a new tech-in-training, which is the bosses pet project. A protege, if you will. Dude has no real experience, and spends a great deal of his time delegating his tasks to anyone he can. I'm supposed to help train him, but the only people he actually listens to is upper management. He's even had the balls to tell me to do the things I told him to do minutes earlier. If he doesn't agree with something I've said, he'll walk off and talk to somebody with greater authority to get out of doing whatever I tasked him with. It's really hard to make me want to physically hurt a person, but he's found a shortcut.

I could go on, but I won't.

Got a workplace rant? Post it. Lets all suffer together.
Seems like an attitude problem coupled with inability to listen. Changing people's nature is equal to impossible. People that climb the management ladder from ground, tend to be better leaders.

From what you wrote, I understood that he is also an employee. Get rid of him by suggesting him a better position and pay package somewhere else.
Also start video documenting his actions as it might save your job in the future. Such people tend to be volatile and will gladly use anyone as a scape goat.

I am sick of the NRA... That pack of idiots right now are doing more harm to our gun rights than they are doing good.
I hate going back behind somebody else to fix their wiring mess and paperwork. dealing with these dyno drive controllers is easy until you find a rats nest.

im going on afternoons tomorrow switching from dayshift. not a bad thing.. but they want to hire a new guy on days just so they can ask me to bump back to days. I think its a dick move on their part to request something like that. but it is what it is. if the fng wants noons, ill bump him. if not. ill stay. hope they don't hire another chitbag.
I had two coworkers. One died last week from an overdose as far as we know. So now I work more and do 13 days in a row.
Seems like an attitude problem coupled with inability to listen. Changing people's nature is equal to impossible. People that climb the management ladder from ground, tend to be better leaders.

If you're talking about the boss, he is also the owner and built this business from the ground up over the past couple of decades, and it's always been a small, family oriented structure. The decision to grow into one of the largest dealers in the state was a fairly recent one. Unfortunately, he's let his blazing success be fertilizer for his ego. He's hired highly capable management staff, but keeps their hands tied so that they won't interfere with his vision. He needs a "come to Jesus" moment before things go off the rails. I've worked for him for a long time, and even though his head isn't screwed on straight at the moment, I still consider him a friend at the end of the day. For his sake and mine, I don't want him to fail at this.

If you're talking about the tech-in-training, he started with an entry level position. His promotion into a tech position was personal, not professional.

I've always held the idea that you can't lead if you don't know how to follow.

From what you wrote, I understood that he is also an employee. Get rid of him by suggesting him a better position and pay package somewhere else.
Also start video documenting his actions as it might save your job in the future. Such people tend to be volatile and will gladly use anyone as a scape goat.

There aren't many "better" positions where we are located, and our boss pays better than most. He knows he's got it good right where he's at.

We're getting 24hr surveillance cameras installed soon. It's saved our asses more than a few times in the old building. In the mean time, there are 8 or so people that have been witness to his actions. If and when the hammer falls, it'll be far away from me.


I am sick of the NRA... That pack of idiots right now are doing more harm to our gun rights than they are doing good.


Have you heard about all of the businesses that have cut ties with them?

I hate going back behind somebody else to fix their wiring mess and paperwork.

I had two coworkers. One died last week from an overdose as far as we know. So now I work more and do 13 days in a row.

Oh damn. We had a similar situation last week. One of the cleaning crew locked herself in the bathroom and either OD'd or just passed out drunk (he haven't gotten the full details yet).

My wife started a new part time job a late last year. The store manager quit in January but neglected to inform corporate, and they have yet to replace him. He also fired two people before he left. Those positions remain vacant, so the store is barely half-staffed. Corporate won't approve any new hires, and the regional manager gets pissy when the few that remain work hours legally considered full-time.

She actually just got home from working 6 hours unloading the delivery truck all by herself, and went to take a nap before she goes back in for another 4-6 to sort and stock it all.
If you're talking about the boss, he is also the owner and built this business from the ground up over the past couple of decades, and it's always been a small, family oriented structure. .

I misunderstood the Boss and Tech in training guy to be one and the same.
If your boss is a control freak than that is a normal sign of most entrepreneurs.
The tech in guy needs to learn to be a team player.
I have a guy at work that has been driving truck for 30+ years but he still sucks at it. Like seriously he's a 1 trick pony and if we ask him to do something else he makes it as difficult on himself and all of us as possible. If it was on purpose it'd make sense but I don't think it is. I'd bet he's just flat out that stupid.

Otherwise work and life are good. I don't do corporate idiocy so I don't have the stupid crap that comes along with it. :mrgreen:
I misunderstood the Boss and Tech in training guy to be one and the same.
If your boss is a control freak than that is a normal sign of most entrepreneurs.
The tech in guy needs to learn to be a team player.

I understand the control freak thing. It worked when he had 6 employees and was actively involved in every aspect. It doesn't work with 30+ employees and no reasonable way be everywhere at once.
I have a guy at work that has been driving truck for 30+ years but he still sucks at it. Like seriously he's a 1 trick pony and if we ask him to do something else he makes it as difficult on himself and all of us as possible. If it was on purpose it'd make sense but I don't think it is. I'd bet he's just flat out that stupid.

Otherwise work and life are good. I don't do corporate idiocy so I don't have the stupid crap that comes along with it. :mrgreen:

I used to make it crystal clear when I interviewed people that there was more to the job than just driving. There were warehouse and shipping responsibilities as well. We would sometimes get that guy that seemed to think he was going to sit and twiddle his thumbs while he was waiting for what he was to deliver. I'd give him something to do while he was waiting and he would give me the "I'm just a driver" b.s. I would remind him of what he was told in the interview and if he didn't like it he could drive himself right out the door.

I guess the only rant I have at the moment is with the drummer in my band. The guy has hands of stone and no sense of dynamics. I'm tired of not being able to hear myself play. I swear, I'm going to tie him down and make him watch videos of jazz drummers. You know... Guys that can lay down a beat without hitting the drums at 2000 psi... :roll:
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I used to make it crystal clear when I interviewed people that there was more to the job than just driving. There were warehouse and shipping responsibilities as well. We would sometimes get that guy that seemed to think he was going to sit and twiddle his thumbs while he was waiting for what he was to deliver. I'd give him something to do while he was waiting and he would give me the "I'm just a driver" b.s. I would remind him of what he was told in the interview and if he didn't like it he could drive himself right out the door.

It's not even that, the guy can't load his own trailer. No manual labor, just guide the conveyor belt to load a belt bottom trailer with potatoes or wheat/corn etc. His time management is crap too so he's either way early or way late.

If we give him a load leaving the farm that's preloaded he'll get it there and back just fine. If we send him to get a load from somewhere else he'll come back over loaded or 10-15k under. All he can do is hold a steering wheel and he's not great at that.
My job sucks too, I don’t do much all day and when I get home, I’m sad because I don’t know how to spend all the money I make..... and I’m gonna retire so early that I’m afraid I’ll get bored.....

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I have not been at work in 2 months. It is the longest I have not worked in my entire adult life. But I wish the liberals could just get over their TARD syndrome, and embrace their president of the next 7 or so years.
Not really a big deal because I'm so dead inside after almost 9 years in various aspects of retail including mgmt and ap. I never at any point in my young life thought that I would live to witness the human race consistently behaving like such absolute self-absorbed, ignorant, and disgusting pieces of garbage... but sadly they never cease to amaze me. Nothing like:

> Finding a used ( still wet) tampon in a children's srp/ rrp ( hula-hoop) display.

> Confronting a customer that's in the process of urinating all over thousands of dollars worth of electrical equipment.

> Watching parents negotiate terms with their spoiled bratty children, for them to stop having a screaming tantrum or they won't get a toy ( also known as a reward! ugh).

> Helplessly spectating as parents simply watch their children completely destroy each and every isle of a retail store ( hands tied for one reason or another).

> Getting physically threatened and cussed out for trying to calmly and politely prevent a child from potentially lacerating themselves on a mirror that they were hanging off of. Fwiw The parents were nearly out of eye-sight of the child when this happened. I feared for the child's safety.

> Getting verbally assaulted upon informing a parent that their child had been caught red-handed concealing product and hiding/ destroying packaging. Sadly I remember a day and age where the "precious children" were not given the benefit of the doubt at every turn. Not these days.

> Claiming out ( throwing away) hundreds of dollars worth of dairy, meat, produce, and frozen food every month because people are too lazy and inconsiderate to put the items back. So... onto the shelf or floor it goes... to sit, and thaw, and spoil, and become inedible.

> Being offered DRUGS for providing excellent customer service lmao!

> Dredging my fingers in fresh chewing tobacco spitoons that were left on store shelves ( ironically just several feet from garbage cans!). This is another one that has happened more than a few times.

> Slicing open the palm of my hand on a carpet blade that was jammed into a children's toy carton ( Laugh & Learn Smart Stages Puppy). Why was it there? Because people just love to steal things and stealing a heavy-duty razor blade is the quickest and cheapest way to get into most packages. But leaving the fresh razor in a child's toy... inexcusable.

> Watching obese children loaded into shopping carts with ipods or smart-phones, bags of sweets and chips, and caffeinated sodas so that they won't bother the parents with inquisitive nonsense. This also prevents the parents from the ( apparently nauseating) task of interacting with their children.

> Parents ( not able to peel their faces from a phone screen) using hollow threats of punishment as a way to get their children to do what they are begging them to do/ not do. But since it doesn't take kids very long to figure out that the threats are fake, they couldn't care less!

So much more than this but those are a few things off the top of my head that make me feel rant-ish. I never worked too much retail/ asset protection prior to this stint but I DO remember a time when I could've never imagined people being this nasty. Kids are awesome little critters and it truly breaks my heart that so many of them are simply getting trampled under their parents neglect and ignorance. The best days are the ones where I know that I've made a positive impact... but unfortunately that has come at a price.
Not really a big deal because I'm so dead inside after almost 9 years in various aspects of retail including mgmt and ap. I never at any point in my young life thought that I would live to witness the human race consistently behaving like such absolute self-absorbed, ignorant, and disgusting pieces of garbage... but sadly they never cease to amaze me. Nothing like:

> Finding a used ( still wet) tampon in a children's srp/ rrp ( hula-hoop) display.

> Confronting a customer that's in the process of urinating all over thousands of dollars worth of electrical equipment.

> Watching parents negotiate terms with their spoiled bratty children, for them to stop having a screaming tantrum or they won't get a toy ( also known as a reward! ugh).

> Helplessly spectating as parents simply watch their children completely destroy each and every isle of a retail store ( hands tied for one reason or another).

> Getting physically threatened and cussed out for trying to calmly and politely prevent a child from potentially lacerating themselves on a mirror that they were hanging off of. Fwiw The parents were nearly out of eye-sight of the child when this happened. I feared for the child's safety.

> Getting verbally assaulted upon informing a parent that their child had been caught red-handed concealing product and hiding/ destroying packaging. Sadly I remember a day and age where the "precious children" were not given the benefit of the doubt at every turn. Not these days.

> Claiming out ( throwing away) hundreds of dollars worth of dairy, meat, produce, and frozen food every month because people are too lazy and inconsiderate to put the items back. So... onto the shelf or floor it goes... to sit, and thaw, and spoil, and become inedible.

> Being offered DRUGS for providing excellent customer service lmao!

> Dredging my fingers in fresh chewing tobacco spitoons that were left on store shelves ( ironically just several feet from garbage cans!). This is another one that has happened more than a few times.

> Slicing open the palm of my hand on a carpet blade that was jammed into a children's toy carton ( Laugh & Learn Smart Stages Puppy). Why was it there? Because people just love to steal things and stealing a heavy-duty razor blade is the quickest and cheapest way to get into most packages. But leaving the fresh razor in a child's toy... inexcusable.

> Watching obese children loaded into shopping carts with ipods or smart-phones, bags of sweets and chips, and caffeinated sodas so that they won't bother the parents with inquisitive nonsense. This also prevents the parents from the ( apparently nauseating) task of interacting with their children.

> Parents ( not able to peel their faces from a phone screen) using hollow threats of punishment as a way to get their children to do what they are begging them to do/ not do. But since it doesn't take kids very long to figure out that the threats are fake, they couldn't care less!

So much more than this but those are a few things off the top of my head that make me feel rant-ish. I never worked too much retail/ asset protection prior to this stint but I DO remember a time when I could've never imagined people being this nasty. Kids are awesome little critters and it truly breaks my heart that so many of them are simply getting trampled under their parents neglect and ignorance. The best days are the ones where I know that I've made a positive impact... but unfortunately that has come at a price.

You seem to forget that the customer is always right. :flipoff:

In all seriousness, my sister has been a retail manager for 20 years and tells similar stories.
Your OP rant sounds like most small companies that I've worked at. Owners are know-it-alls that run a profitable business, but with some help it could be a lot more efficient therefore making even more money. Ego maniacs don't like input. Sounds like a similar situation that I'm in now.

This is why, when I interview, I ask if the owners are involved in running the place. If they are I pass on the job. I forgot to do that this time around, but the name of the company didn't match the name of the people running the show so I thought the owners were out of the business. Not true.