Well it has been almost four years since I have touched this truck. I took a break from R/C, too many other responsibilities took center stage so RC went on the back burner. Now finally things are to the point I can once again pick up a controller and get back into my oldest hobby. And boy how things have changed, but for the better imo, over the last four years.
Is four years too long of a break in a build? Guess we will see.
Why the sudden interest in this old build? I never sold any of my trucks, they all just went into storage. As I got back into rc I got my Clod Flatty and the wife's Defender 110 out to freshen them up a bit and was running them around the yard. My 6 year old daughter wanted to give it a try and I let her drive mine. She loved it and said she wanted one. So I dug through my spares and made her a truck all from extra parts I had laying around.
Here is my daughters truck, not very scale but should be perfect for her. TM3 chassis, tlts, pede tranny and a 55t.
That gave me the bug to finish up this project. It was almost to the point of finial tear down and paint when I shelved it. So here we are back on track. Sorry for the delay but this one will be finished. "thumbsup"
I finished up the chassis and have it in primer.
The rear tube work is cleaned up and painted.
A couple of changes though, no longer going with a puller motor, instead just a pair of 55s for now.
Thanks again for looking, sorry for the long delay.