Kinda surprised a thread like this has not been done before! I especially like the Unimogged Toyota, very creative!
Here is my collection, past and current...
Pinched nose, no doors, had 100% full interior
Doesn't look like anything special, til you discover is completely metal, made by Stew at
Built the SUV-ish body from an original Bruiser sleeper cab I sectioned out and used as the base.
One of my current projects. It is the same body as the camo'd one above. It's destined to be a Dragster Ice Cream truck.
Original Bruiser body, pinched rear, been through hell. Has been my 2.2 (Now C2) truck for years.
Same truck, years ago...
Lastly, my latest project. Details not released, lol. The name? "Something Evil This Way Comes"
Chopped, body dropped, raised fenders, bobbed bed front and rear, will be a step-side bed with a cowl hood as well.