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Portal Greasing


Jun 27, 2020
old town
Hey everyone i am about 1 month into my new RC hobby,I bought a redcat gen8 lovingit,Anyways i to had dry portals and diff.Well like i said im new so i had no clue when how why.Only thing i really need to know nowis.How often should you grease your portal axels?I know when in water you check or change more often,What about just standered running how often should you change or check.This is why i ask someone on youtube says he changes his grease ever 4 or 5 runs isnt that way to much?thanks for your help and so excited to be here.
Really depends on usage. Good grease doesn’t wear out, but will contaminate , I’m not a mudder , so yearly works for mine

Hang up and Drive
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Unless I do alot of deep water wading I won't open anything up that has grease in it until the snow is too deep to run. Even then it is just too do inspection. I'll run several times a week at usually 2 miles distance per run.
Use a quality Marine Grade Grease. That will handle the water. So long as things are sealed up , ie covers are tight, no major leaks, a good greasing will last a LONG Time. If you never see water/mud, it could be good for Years.

however, if there are leaks, loose covers etc where that water/dirt can get inside components, then you will want to clean and change more often.

I run in water/mud. I'll regrease things as I get there (repairing things, etc.) I don't often do a "General Maintenance Greasing". Just when I am swapping, repairing, or upgrading parts.
Thanks so much guys for your replies,Then Gen8 is so loud it sounds like a wheat thrasher,I thought maybe they need grease its so loud,But someone says the Mod 1 gears are very big so very loud.I havent really ran in water mostly dry maine trails and rocks.I will check again when the snow flies.
Some of these units are 'geary' soundin when they run. That could be just the mesh of all the flat (non Spiral Cut ) gears.
Gtreasing will dampen some of that noise. You can check the mesh at the pinion/spur gear is not too tight which will add noise, stress, and wear.

More tooth surface to mesh, more tooth noise they'll make.

My G8 Axe system is a noisy rig where gear whine is noted. All stock, not greased anything. Will likely buy new bearings to go through it soon, and start addressing the few design flaws and correct a few things to increase its capability.
i use high quality sythetic cv axle and bearing greese i have rigs ive never torn down since building some 5 years or more now with 1 aplication of greese heck i have some ive never even opened up at all still using what ever the factory put in them mostly i just regrease when parts fail usualy just a bearing or a ring&pinnion because i have to clean the area anyway to work in there cv greese can go 20 years or more with out breaking down

the gen8 the grease will outlast your portal gears so its not that big a deal and the metal trans gears look beefie enuff to last years with greese or not its not like they get hot enuff to damage anything

ive noticed that alot of the noise from the gen8 is the pinnion and spur gear if the mesh is to tight it gets loud back off alittle on the pinnion till it quiets down but still has good engagement
thats about all you can do for gear noise you can always check stuff out maybe a screw is to tight somewere or maybe a gear rubs or a bearing failed some times even new parts are bad out of the box so if its too bad it might be worth checking out

i have 1 custom rig were i built.my own forward mounted transmission the gear noise is so bad and deep it sounds like its got a cheep sound kit in it lol
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Wow thanks guys for all the great advice,I now understand why the gen8 is so noisy and i will check the gear and see if that helps alittle,just knowing its suppose to be that loud makes a difference .Also learned dont watch to many videos from to many people will get you confused and spoil the soup.Im really learning alot sense i came to this site and all you helpful people this is my first truck and i want to do it right.
the only time I grease the portals on mine is when I have a reason to open them up such as repairs and upgrades. What I do is take some paper towels and wipe off as much of the old grease as I can, then I apply new grease.