I got the Spektrum 1400kv variation with a 17t pinion in the Bronco. Besides being orange, I do not see a whole lot of difference between the Spektrum 2- in one and the Fusion. Fancier front-plate, and €10.-more expensive fore the Fusion. The Spectrum is quite probably Hobbywing too, but with different firmware, because HW programmers don’t work on the Spektrum. Shame, because the running is CCW standard. Take a wild guess which way my TRX4 ánd the Classic Bronco SCX III run.. yup.. CW.. Drag brake is also way too aggressive for me. Hard stops from full throttle have a habit of face-planting the Bronco. On an incline, it just ‘stops’ when You release the throttle, whatever speed You went. Weird experience.
I initially kind of despaired. But, funny enough.. after calibrating… it workt just fine running CW.. I wonder if it can be programmed by beeps. The manual only states that if You keep the on/off button pressed more than 8 seconds, it goes into “Programming Mode”. Oohkay.. and then??
I have used it now for a few packs. It has some oddities.
-It’s smooth in stages. There seems to be 4 or 5 ‘blocks’ of smooth, and inbetween it feels like it changes gears. Smooth-hic-smooth-hic-smooth. It’s hardly noticable, and only happens when not under heavy load.
-It’s way faster than You’d think when hearing “1400kv” and “2- to 3s” ( ‘fast’ being relative, ofcourse.. it’s not Felony ‘fast’.. duh..

-It can creep almost unnoticable, but when suddenly slamming the throttle, it’ll violently jump forward and goes full-on Rock Bouncer. Power is clearly WAY above Ye Average brushed crawling motor @ 2s.
-How Spektrum did it, I don’t know, but even with a 17t pinion (Which is kinda over geared) in the Axial Classic Bronco, it won’t run hot under load. At all. Even with an outside temp in the high 20C’ low 30C’s (low 90’s for you metric-challenged)
-It’s scary frugal with the amps. I have a couple of hour-long crawls and trails ( granted, not rock-garden heavy) under my belt, and lugged along two 4amp packs for nothing. A tiiiny 2200mah Zippy just keeps-on going. Go figure..
I guess I’ll have to get the official programming box, or USB dongle. The locking hill-brake gets a bit annoying, and that strange ‘shifting’ is probably that, whatsitsname, ‘constant power system’ getting discombobulated when not under load.
In the end, I really like it, despite the quirks, that probably can be edited out. It frees-up SO much realestate inside the chassis. And the lack of wiring spaghetti is also a big bonus.