The only problem i see this truck having is bottoming out on stuff
Looks fine to me.
The only problem i see this truck having is bottoming out on stuff
i didnt say anything like that... i said, "see"
it just looks a bit low. but your right. what do i know.
Dude, I have been subscribed to this thread for awhile. I hear good things, I hear bad things, I here comments from people that leave me shaking my head in wonder. And when I go check out thier stats and see what they have posted. I see people like you posting 30+ posts to this thread mostly negative from a guy who doesnt even own a crawler but builds courses.
Lately I hate being an ass to someone, I have been really good about keeping my comments to my self lately, But.....
If you dont have any experiance. Go buy a crawler and spend some time and money at it and then offer your comments.
If you dont like this because its a reproduction of King Blings, Dont buy it
If you dont like it because you can build your own, dont buy it.
most of all I hear bashing on the XR10 that Axial released and in all honesty, I believe half of it is from inexperianced throttle jockies that used to be die hard traxxas owners.
Same thing happened with DNA's SSS. Half the people who owned it drove it great, the other half complained when it broke because they couldnt understand what Finese means.
1. everyone changes out everything anyways
2. why would I want Castle when I run tekin?
3. Because even if there was a truck that was top of the line, you all would bitch because of the price.
The only problem i see this truck having is bottoming out on stuff
Because Tekin sucks...:ror:why would I want Castle when I run tekin?
Dude, I have been subscribed to this thread for awhile. I hear good things, I hear bad things, I here comments from people that leave me shaking my head in wonder. And when I go check out thier stats and see what they have posted. I see people like you posting 30+ posts to this thread mostly negative from a guy who doesnt even own a crawler but builds courses.
Lately I hate being an ass to someone, I have been really good about keeping my comments to my self lately, But.....
If you dont have any experiance. Go buy a crawler and spend some time and money at it and then offer your comments.
If you dont like this because its a reproduction of King Blings, Dont buy it
If you dont like it because you can build your own, dont buy it.
most of all I hear bashing on the XR10 that Axial released and in all honesty, I believe half of it is from inexperianced throttle jockies that used to be die hard traxxas owners.
Same thing happened with DNA's SSS. Half the people who owned it drove it great, the other half complained when it broke because they couldnt understand what Finese means.
1. everyone changes out everything anyways
2. why would I want Castle when I run tekin?
3. Because even if there was a truck that was top of the line, you all would bitch because of the price.
Because Tekin sucks...:ror:
not one of these things did i even mention. if this comment was towards me.
Am I crazy to want to bolt a Tamiya YJ body onto this. I've been wanting to put the TJ body on my scx10 chassis for a while and I just haven't been impressed with the way I've seen some of those builds turn out. It's hard to tell without more specifics but just by eyeballing it, it seems possible.
i have a feeling this rig is gonna come WATERPROOFED. . .. . "thumbsup""thumbsup""thumbsup"
just a hunch though. . . .
Its clearly a set up.
If you guys actually think about it there is no way it would be sitting on a table and ONLY one photo be taken (from the side, which shows basically nothing as far as mechanics) at an event were people camped out for a week with thousands of people around.
There is a reason it was at KOH.
There is a reason there is only a single photo.
There is a reason no one has come forward to be the hero who shot the photo.
And there is a reason axle has not given a spec of information on this aside from saying its a RTR.
Personally I think its a really good and really cheap advertising campaign.
AS for speculation everyone is wrong. Whats really special is the back opens up and a 1/12 pan car pops out.:mrgreen:
Its clearly a set up.:mrgreen:
(cough) (cough) :mrgreen: