Another question: does anyone know how strong servo the lizard pro can handle without installing an external ubec?
Your previous question about shock oil. Not sure anyone knows what the stock oil is for certain. Lol. It’s likely pretty light. Throw some 20-25wt in and you’ll be okay.
The Lizard Pro isn’t going to handle much without an external bec. 2 amps isn’t crap, and there claim “no need for external bec with big servo” is BS. Like I mentioned, I knew this going in and planned on using a direct power servo anyway. Also, the Lizard Pro will only run a servo at 6.5 volts.
The new Python Pro esc will do 7.4 volts and 5 amps. A lot of servos 350+ oz can pull 5 amps when stalled, and several will pull that with less torque. Best bet is to read the manufacturer’s claims regarding amp draw for specific servos. The Reefs Raw 400 LP is a popular servo for this rig (other brands have similar/same servo under their logo as well), and will definitely need an external bec with a Lizard Pro. Again, pricing out a high voltage low profile servo plus external bec (plus a bunch more wires to deal with) versus a direct power low profile servo and I believe that the direct power servo sells itself. I know everyone has different budgets, expectations, etc so hopefully some of this helps.