Rock Stacker
I’ve got an honest (rookie) question here: I’ve got a Quicrun 1080 ESC (and new Rx) and I was thinking of throwing it on the TRX4M but would it make any difference at all with respect to the slow speed crawling using 2s batteries? Or would it ONLY make a difference if I went up to 3s.
Stock gearing (because North America is currently sold out of the low speed gears). I’ve got brass axle extensions on it but the tires still constantly bind-up on the body. And they bind up even in moderate torque situations.
I just don’t want to pull everything out and resolder the motor wires to the new ESC if it doesn’t solve the low speed torque issues. Sorry if that was rambly.
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Aaaaaaaaaaaand wrong thread. I’m a dummy.

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