How to patch old CamelBak bladder until new Antidote bladder gets back from warranty leakage at the filler seal. Tiny drop of rc tire CA in the hole topped off with Slime Skabs dry bicycle tire patch. "thumbsup"
GreatPlains wheel collars used to center swaybars, I used the 3/32" on smaller bar and 1/8" on the larger bars.
Rear swaybar flex and crawl testing results! These swaybars are all 95mm length, using Axial Wraith front swaybar arms and shortened endlinks composed of rod-ends/balls with long setscrews.
Softest Wraith front swaybar flex as measured at outer edge of rear tire is 3.375", crawls very well setup like this but a little more rear flex would be nice sometimes.
Home-made from 0.078" (5/64", 1.984mm) music wire flex is 4", crawls very well setup like this but sometimes allows a little too much torque twist.
Home-made from 0.093" (3/32", 2.3622mm) music wire flex is 3.375", same flex as softest Wraith front bar, I have not crawled with this setup yet, but on the bench it's same flex as stock Axial Wraith softest front swaybar. I think the bar will last longer (more flex cycles) due to being a straight gauge bar, not a bar with a 1/4" thin notched machined in the center which creates stress risers and most of the bar flex is forced to occur in this very small concentrated area of the bar. Time and real crawling, not garage flex test, will tell.
Hot off the "mill" 0.093" home-made swaybar still in my fixture vise! The pic makes one end looks kinda blue like it got too hot, but it did not this is just the lighting and angle in my pic.
That's a nice fit ;-) Axial end links are better than HR and have precisely machined D-holes that fit the bar ends making for stronger setup.
The bars...bottom bar is Axial Wraith softest front swaybar, middle is my home-made 0.093" bar, top is my home-made 0.078" bar.
Newest home-made bar (0.093") bolted up ready for crawling test! Note my rear red waterproof LED strip (just above and forward of swaybar) stuck to bottom of rx box with E6000, because the peel and stick adhesive was kinda week.