Might use some lexan and a heat gun to preform something for the inside of the upper cab corners.
I saw a post where they used a piece of lexan and shoe glue to beef up the back of the cab (lower).
Yes, saw that post too...shoegoo'd a piece of lexan inside the cab to reinforce the lower four holes. Think it's gonna be hard to do much for the top two holes.

I used some lexan welding lenses tey were just the right size and very tuff.
Got a pic?
Got it bound, steering trimmed, steering endpoints set, reversed channel 2 (throttle) and it works but will not save the throttle revers setting! WTH?
Reset it 10 times and it won't stay reversed!:evil:
After about 20 minutes of messing with it my radio started beeping like low battery, even though my nimhs were just fully charged. The nimhs are kinda old though and they don't get as much voltage even at full charge as regular old alkaline batteries. Too tired to mess with it anymore tonight.
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