Quarry Creeper
Found my new spot to play in, Pics below!
Hi fellas,
I'm new to this whole scene myself. I've been a lurker on this website for about 2 years. I wasn't really into it until I met a friend who build rock crawlers. He got me seriously into it and I knew that I gotta have one. It really a lot of fun. Found my new hobby!
So, I took a plunge and bought a slightly used one off from ebay for $182.00. I didn't know what type of kit it was. I thought all Axial Ax10 are all the same. I learned the hard way. haha. Read below.
Here's what I started with when I gotten it.
When I said I learned the hard way, I found out that the kit I bought was an RTR, so it had stiffer springs, stiffer foam, heavy weight oil as well. I wasn't happy with how it flexed and what not. I could say I spent more time changing up things than driving it.
Since then, I changed some stuff,
I 1st cut down the foam as much as I can as I read up the stock tires are trash, so I'm going to use those tires for now.
I bought softer spring rate which is white coded along with Losi 25wt shock oil. It helps ALOT!
I oredered set of bent links but I seem to have a bit problem with them. Will explain later.
I never liked the body so I went out and bought a Jeep Cherokee made by Proline.
Here's what I finsihed with. I p[ainted it black to match my 1.1. I painted inside silver for metal effect and then I painted outside with light coat of primer, base then clear. Ready to get it scratched up!
I went to my local park that has good rocks and what not, played with it for couple hours at the same time studying how it performs. There's few things I see that I want to change. Discussed later.
It does not crawl that bad. It actually surprised me. But there is few things I would like to change. Will discuss more later but right now tell me what you think!
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