Rock Stacker
Are there any indoor crawling parks around the twin cities
I've made a few more maps of MNRCRC locations. Here is my list of maps currently:
Boom Site-Stillwater, MN
Found a good place near my home to have little fun for trail run and light crawl. It's beside the rail ways, under the hwy280 bridge at the crossing of hwy 280 and u of m transit way. The area is not large (size as a basketball court) but there is a big soil pile with flat tops which is fun to drive around. I hope I can build a short trail course there for more fun. You can drive to the nearby parking lot and walk 100 feet there. Here are some pics I took yesterday~
Future location will be at Hobbytown in Brooklyn Park, MN. They will be moving shortly just down the street to a larger building and plan to add an indoor course. Fromn what I have been told the build out has not started yet but should be done rather quickly (1-2 months they thought). Ask for Ray at store and say when the hell is this indoor crawling course going to be finished."thumbsup"
I am new to the scaling and crawlers, but have been talking to people for awhile now. I know that MMR might be a possible location for a indoor course. Need to know how many would come and play(practice or comp)? can you help with moving this forward by posting on the link forum.
Have any of you ever ventured back into the boulder fields north of Hoyt Lakes Aurora area? It's part of the Superior National Forest. It's one of the coolest spots I've ever seen in Minnesota. Boulders big and small as far as you can see. I would think it would make a perfect crawler location. I will have to drive back there and get some pictures for you.
I have alot of Natural granite formations and outcrops on my property also near Tower.
I wheel at Birch Lake when I am camping....cool island crawling there.