Quarry Creeper
hey bam your trucks ready?btw is it near w.highland rd and milford rd area?let me know so i can figure where u meant...sounds like oakland county?later..
Herzog-racing said:I will most likely start crawling again in spring. Just trying to get back in the hobby. no I did not sell anyting but I have been thinking of doing some indoor racing this winter it has been a while
wow a small world?i would be damn if we pasted each others at rogers?lol i go there bout once a got nitro boats-wow i watched them at feild and stream.FAST!!!i gotta see what happens for weekend{wife work or not}but plan on going sometime sunday to perhaps meet and see what to run.laterbrownvhf said:I know where the crawl is going to be, only thing I wasn't sure of was east or west. After I found that out can drive right to it. I have the rules for these crawlers, really quite simple. I think you might be happier with the clod in super or unlimited class though. Also if you would like to ride with me I'm going by myself. I asked walebone but he can't make it sunday. As far as other rc's, not much I don't have. Nitro boats, electric boats, nitro trucks and electric trucks. Just sold my rc18t, mamba and lipo powered, but still have two of them left, 1 truck and 1 buggy. Will have both crawlers with me, a superclass and my 2.2 so it will be a good time just getting to meet everyone. Next time you go in roger's or robby's tell them you know Jerry Brown. Just saw dan Tuesday, but he didn't have any crawler boddies I was looking for. Take care, Jerry