RCC Addict
You called right when we where on are way back. Me and Gary wanted to suprise you with some pics. LOL :lol:
You guys are not affraid of a little ice and snow are you? :shock:
Sure, let's go have fun!You sponsoring my servos and ESC?
You sponsoring my servos and ESC?
Binary i think someone is calling you out LOL1st u have not seen my snow blind vids have u?
second...bt....u have to beat me crawling to get jr to sponser u ...ha
oh yeh...its on
I only heard good things about the FX-R, great choiceThats fine, lets run them. I did quite well so far in crawling, 1 for 1! The only thing wildly holding my truck back is this darn ESC...I think tax money a little is gonna have to go to an FX-R.
Also I'm gonna sell the tuber project...its fun, but opf course got to try something new...
Need some input on an aX-10. looking to possibly getting one.