we need an update here please
Thank you sir, for reminding me!
After the links were installed, i turned to the servo. The CYS 2220. I have heard some good stories on it in the meanwhile, so my expectations are high.
CYS claims it to be waterproof. However i do believe in waterproof after i made it such. So i took it apart. Used Conformal coating on the circuitboard, put marinegrease on the gears and near the output shaft. Used plastidip inbetween the different bodysections. I often plastidip the whole body. But since this also a beautifull servo to see, it would be a sin making it all black with plastidip.
As i want to use the full potential of this servo which can handle 7.4V, i want to use a Bec. I have the CC-pro around. I had to use the CC usb link to set it at the required voltage. A guy i know has that cable, but due to a disagreement (some jealousy on his side, there will always be haters) and i did not want to buy it myself at this moment, i had to look for an alternative. As by coincident, i read the HeyOk post on his No-brainer Bec. Shippingcosts to the Netherlands were way much lower then expected and i gave him the order. Damn, that guy works fast! Shipped on friday, got it on tuesday "thumbsup".
A friend did return a favor to me. I helped him with waterproofing his SCX10. He got himself a 3D printer and made me some jackstands. Enough for all my rigs to be supported front and rearaxle. I gave 'm a baseplate and named them. Just because they all have different widths.
Then i came to the conclusion that i had ordered the wrong ESc. I ordered the non-sensored one. My bad. So i am waiting for the correct one

There wasn't much i could do. So i started working on the Grappler Body. Masking, spraying and fiddling for hours with little tiny decals. I will not show it completely yet. But i think it has turned out pretty nice. Still a LNC, but different.
Still waiting for the Esc i started doing some small detailwork. I never ever put stickers on my cars from brands who did not pay for my cars as i did so myself. However, as Asiatees is my sponsor and i am using many Boomracing parts, they deserve their credits.
I like doing detailwork. We (my cup of coffee and i) looked at the body for at least half an hour. Something was missing. It seemed out of balance. Then suddenly i knew it. A small blue line in the same (Asiatees)blue as i used on other parts of the body did bring salvation :ror:
However i did not have such a striping, so i had to make it myself. Using some painterstape did the trick. It also gives it kind of tectyled look.
Yesterday was a glorious day! A'tees said couple of weeks back that i might get the new Boomracing Type-G shocks (itemnumber: BRSG0110). But it was not all that sure yet. However, last week they said they had shipped them and indeed!
These shocks really are a work of beauty! If shocks could be sexy, these definitely would be!
They come with the medium springs pre-installed and have to be filled with oil of ones choice. I chose 30W.
Preparing them is a piece of cake! A walk in the park.... My coffeemachine needs more actions to get a decent cup of coffee then preparing these shocks is.
Since these Type-G's are 110 mm and the stock shocks are 100mm, i had expected some issues. But no, they are smooth enough to be installed without "lifting" the chassis. So the centre of gravity did not raise.
I only had to flip the oilreservoir upsidedown, the hose got jammed underneath the bodyshell.
I was adviced to use shock tower arm spacers. But, it figures... Those are hard to get in Europe. O well, i will try it like it is. Maybe later.
Only "downside" i found with these shocks were the absence of a "movable eye" as most other shocks have. I do remember that when A'tees presented the shocks here on RCC and asked for comments, thoughts. That remark also had been made.
However, i had contact with A'tees and future shocks (let's call 'm type-G2.0 8) ) may have such an eye.
How much can/shall i show you? Well, not the entire Dragon theme. But a sneak peak...
Off-Topic: i am working hard overhere in the Netherlands to promote scaling and crawling. For that i am at a model builders fair early november. A'tees has been so kind to respond positive at my request for some promotional items and they did send me their well known tent.
Might be a nice one to end this post right now and show you another glimp of the LNC which is still peacefully waiting for that damned Esc to come in.
No, the tent normally looks slightly different. The tentpoles are steel and i shoved some black heatshrink over the poles. The baseplate i made myself from plexiglass, some layers of flat black and 2 layers of metallic black.