Good luck tomorrow guys....!!
Hey Adam, I have the stock motor and speedometers for the MRC. They are yours if you want them.
Well I just got a mini pro in the mail yesterday, motor and a few dodads, hopefully get it together tonight, this weekend for sure. Might just use my MMP esc till the BEC comes in for my sw micro. we'll to crawling...should be fun!
Sweet man maybe I'll have someone I can compete with now ha ha.
Just try not to work on it Adam!
jk buddy!
Thats why I'm getting my electronics from scary so I dont have to mess with them ha ha.
Looking forward to it. I'm doing a major rebuild/combine two kinda project for my next door neighbors son, and then my time is for me for a while. I'm gonna try to devote a few hours to it tonight before I pull the mini out of the box and start on it. Hopefully get it out on the rocks by Sunday.
Or I may just go next door and crawl on their landscape/retaining wall. Its all rough stone.
Just try not to work on it Adam!
jk buddy!