Pebble Pounder
Prolly not gonna make this one fella's.
Ty graduate's on Saturday! "thumbsup"
Well congrats to ty
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Prolly not gonna make this one fella's.
Ty graduate's on Saturday! "thumbsup"
Wish I could make it, need to get crack-a-lackin on the scaler........but i've got some little chimanese women coming over tonight to finish up the wiring on the MRC :evil:.Hive Nite, 4-10pm! "thumbsup"
:lmao:who loves free tattoo's!!!! I do, I do!!!! Buddy wanted a challenge to cover up some of my tribal on my upper arm, and it turned into something amazing!!!!!!
This was his freehand sharpie drawing...... No pictures yet of the outline, as I went out and celebrated last night, and cannot find my damn phone!!!!!
........anybody know if 600 mg ibuprophen and beer mix well "thumbsup"
thanks guys! 8) its finally over. can't wait to get down there an start maken shit every day now!
Happy Birthday Dez "thumbsup"
Had a fun day at the ole Hive..... Got some stuff done.... got some more to think about....
Ty, serious congrats. I'm proud of you "thumbsup""thumbsup"
Now get down there and build some dang trailers and dinky links and hitches and rock sliders and bumpers and roof racks and exo cages and light bars and more trailers and scalers and comp rigs and little trucks and stuff...... ;-)