I ordered too fast, as mentioned.
However, body looks really nice, black paint inside, maybe simple and light interior, then it will be awsome.
Do not understand the horrible price Banggood wants for this model.
I finally paid US$ 153 including shipping (and no taxes) from China.
Katana can be bought in EU warehouse, for US$ 140 including shipping, 1-week delivery, no customs guaranteed (always have to use BG points and coupons and allowances for the best price, quite complicated and only for "old customers").
I ordered a second Katana today, for 140 bucks... however, Atlas 6x6 is way cheaper (also EU WH), only about 115 US (paid 93 € from EU WH, bought some as Christmas presents).
All your price comparisons are not valid for people outside your country.
There is a world outside the USA, even about 95% of the worlds population do live outside
Asiatees is not a good source for us for "expensive models with Lipo", as already mentioned.
They also have the 1/6 Willys Jeep for a good price, super good, but then comes shipping and taxes.
Asiatees is absolutely top for spare parts and small parts (with free shipping 100 $ plus, slow ship never pays customs here), but NoGo for models and kits (because of shipping costs and probably customs).