shotty pics dont matter looks good and the weight watchers scale is still in full effect![]()
Dude.. That scale is always on point!!... Pun intended

Awesome truck Christian... I'm curious how'd you end up with those VooDovers? Idr ever sending a set down there...
Thanks. See answer below"thumbsup"
Funny story ... I won those at pa qualifier .. Traded them to Troy for regular voodoos ... He had you make him some and traded /sold those to Christian so those tires have been around the block like a cheap hooker
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Hey.. Don't be calling my tires cheap hookers. Their father (Everett) probably wouldn't like that.
Hey Christian truck look awesome, but when does the SuDu Pro build start? :twisted:
Well.. ATM I don't have an answer for you. The double agent is doing good for me.
Someone needs to clean their wheels :mrgreen::ror: it looks really really slick man! Hope it runs as good as it looks.
Is the skid milled from Teflon? Sounds like an interesting material though i will say that teflon can be a really soft material for all its slipperiness :x
Thanks brotha.
Skid in printed in nylon.
I always love to see your builds you teach me some way to mod/buy something…
Keep up the good work my friend"thumbsup"
Thank you señor.. Hopefully you can get that dog of yours back together and we can run together before long.