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High End Servo Suggestions

I’m now running the 3BrosRC direct power units on 2 rigs. Gobs and Gobs of torque on 3S. Pretty fast too. Safe to say it will be my go-to servo moving forward.

Nah, they ripped off Holmes Hobbies so I wouldn't touch them with a 10 foot pole
Any thought on Reef's? I had a $20 off coupon so I decided to get one. All my others are Savox. It is mounted and set up but have not run the vehicle yet.
Any thought on Reef's? I had a $20 off coupon so I decided to get one. All my others are Savox. It is mounted and set up but have not run the vehicle yet.

To my knowledge, REEFS were the one's that pirated the HH servo design. But, I was unaware that 3BROS had as well apparently so...............
I had thought that JX was the bad apple so I dug into the high-end servo thread. That's where I discovered that 3Bros was suspect. I likely wouldn't have bought my G13 had I known but it's too late now. At least I already have a Holmes motor and 3 of his servos so I don't feel too bad but still.
To my knowledge, REEFS were the one's that pirated the HH servo design. But, I was unaware that 3BROS had as well apparently so...............

Nah, Reefs are just unreliable ;-)

It's the JX (I think the CLS-12V7346 ) and the 3Bros G13 that are ripping off HH
To my knowledge, REEFS were the one's that pirated the HH servo design. But, I was unaware that 3BROS had as well apparently so...............

Somebody on here (I'll let him decide if he wants to be known) discovered an Asian servo that just may be where Reefs servos come from. The specs are very similar and the looks are uncanny. I have one in my possession.

I had thought that JX was the bad apple so I dug into the high-end servo thread. That's where I discovered that 3Bros was suspect. I likely wouldn't have bought my G13 had I known but it's too late now. At least I already have a Holmes motor and 3 of his servos so I don't feel too bad but still.

I agree high plains. My bad for not doing the research though. But, I have HH motors in ALL my rigs, as well as a half dozen HH ESC’s. Definitely do not want to reward piracy or stealing of intellectual property, so I guess I’ll be going back to HiTec servos or HH servos.
Back to the MKS550, since I said it was noisy I felt an example is warranted. Not quite as bad as savox, but the speed and power are there so I’m impressed so far.

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I am running Hitec HSB-9475SH (and 9465 + 9485 as well) brushless servos as steering servos in different crawler rigs. Progammable, powerful, fast, low noise, reliable and low amp draw.
Have you looked at the Futaba A700? 1,027oz/0.12s at 7.4v. Real world, I'd say it's on par, or maybe slightly stronger than a 2290. The A700 is at least a little quiter too, but the 2290 isn't really loud anyway (as compared to a 1230/1231, Mg959, or Jx 46kg... it's not near silent like my Promodelers though.) Of the 2 (A700 and 2290) I'd feel most comfortable recommending the 2290, but only because I've run the crap out of it for 1 1/2 years without a single hiccup, I've only had the A700 in use for a bit less than 6 months so I don't feel thats been long enough to vouch for it's long term durability. Either of them can wag an 8lb 2.2 car.

I know they're listed at $250, but there's a handful of credible vendors that sell the A700 for significantly less, so price isn't that far off from a 2290, Protek 370tbl, or Tekin T440.
I'm looking to sell off some parts in the next week or so to fund me a new servo. I currently have the turnigy 959v2 running at 6v from Castle 10amp BEC in my 8lb+ Trx. It has been a decent servo other then the aluminum gear on the output stripping a few times. Hobbyking sent me new servos instead of replacement gears. Now after about a year of use I'm noticing it getting weaker. So time to upgrade. I've had my eye on a PM470 since I first got my Trx, but not wanting to run an extra battery for it (I run 3s) and the issues I'm seeing guys have. Has made me wanna stay away. The savox 2290 is very interesting, but I can't handle the noise. 3bros and reefs caught my interest until I found out about them using HH design. Is the only other option the new HH HV500V3? I'm a total budget guy and dropping $100+ for a servo is a hard pill for me to swallow. So I want to make sure whatever I buy is going to do what I'm after and be completely reliable. My requirements 400+ oz in. any range of power between 6v and 12v is fine. Quiet and reliable. What's you guys thoughts? Anyone ran the new HH yet? Thanks for any help!!! "thumbsup" :badger:
Look at post #36. I even made referrence to how the 2290 is quieter than an mg959, so if you're okay with the noise of your current servo, the 2290 won't bother you at all. If you want quieter still, go with the Futaba A700. I don't have experience with a Promodeler 630, but I do have 420's and 470's and they are not even in the same league as the 2290 or A700 when it comes to power (the mg959 has much more oomph than the PM's too, but durability sucks) they are ultra quiet though. I've come to the conclusion that it's best to either suck it up and buy high-end, or settle with an uber-cheap (<$20) servo, almost everything in between has been a disappointment for me. My vote is to go with the proven durability of the 2290.
Look at post #36. I even made referrence to how the 2290 is quieter than an mg959, so if you're okay with the noise of your current servo, the 2290 won't bother you at all. If you want quieter still, go with the Futaba A700. I don't have experience with a Promodeler 630, but I do have 420's and 470's and they are not even in the same league as the 2290 or A700 when it comes to power (the mg959 has much more oomph than the PM's too, but durability sucks) they are ultra quiet though. I've come to the conclusion that it's best to either suck it up and buy high-end, or settle with an uber-cheap (<$20) servo, almost everything in between has been a disappointment for me. My vote is to go with the proven durability of the 2290.

I'm right there with you about just sucking it up and buying a high end servo. That's why I'm on this thread asking questions. I'm over worrying about stripping gears and hunting for a good servo. I don't notice my turnigy 959v2 having much sound other then a little when you turn it makes some sounds, but nothing like a savox. The 2290 still has that classic savox sound when under a load. That's the sound that drives me nuts and I'm trying to stay away from. I would love to go with a A700, but that price tag is much more then I can afford. I surely don't want to go the cheap servo route. I expect a little much from my rigs and tend to strip gears crawling allot of difficult lines. I'm gonna see if I can talk John into doing a video on the new HV500v3. Thanks for the info brother! "thumbsup"