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Topher Builds

I wanna be Dave
Dec 11, 2017
Las Vegas
Who else games and what are y’all playing lately?

I have an Xbox and PS4 but only play MLB the show on the PS4. The Detroit Become Human game and God of War have my attention. If you have played Detroit let me know what you think so far.

Xbox mostly stick to call of duty, rock smith, GTAV, and some other sports ball games.

XBL - Edg4r 4llen PWN
PS4 - Pwny_Danza_
Im a pc gamer, mostly been playing Warframe lately. I tend to play a LOT less games in the summer as I try and get out hiking or driving my RCs.
If you ask me,,,, yes


The FPS games i prefer to play have all become something i dont like to play, and so i dont play anything at the moment and haven't been playing for a long time.
And i am not active looking for a game to play.

It will be more easy to say what i do like about modern FPS games than what i do not like.

I like FPS game

I am about to upgrade my PC, not that the current one cant play games, but the new one will be able to do that at ultra settings ( 1080p )
I will for starters have to downgrade RAM amount from 32 to 16 Gb, still 16 Gb should be fine for a computer its just i had 32 Gb in the last 2 computers.

I do not like consoles, so every time i have tried one it just feel so wrong when you have been gaming with a mouse and keyboard since the Amiga.
I don't game as much as I used to. I was PC gamer, but nothing recently has really grabbed my attention. FPS games stopped doing good single player campaigns and multi-player is typically an ADD twitch-fest. I haven't seen any RTS's that interest me, either. I also got tired of chasing hardware requirements. I've been going back to older games like the C&C series, MoH and Half-Life to get my fix.

I've been investigating tabletop gaming as new gaming fix. X-Wing and Bolt Action are two I'm looking into at the moment.
What make me most mad about modern FPS games are what they do not have, and that is random generated maps.

Playing the same maps over and over just get soooooo boring, and as mentioned above it often make the maps a ADD twitch fest
Soldier of fortune 2 did have random generated maps ( outside fairly open maps ) but still well working and highly playable.

So i am sure it can be done today, but gamers are so afraid of change and trying anything new, i know i played COD from the first one all the way to Modern warfare that finally was so sickening i had to bail when my grey goo finally kicked in motion.

I just want to spawn on a server with a gun or a gun/guns i can run and pick up, and then run and gun, really simple just add random map generation and every map will be totally new, add collapse-able walls too and you can breech them with explosives and in game live change the map.

And i would probably have to adjust as run and gun cant be good when you dont know what is around the corner.

Hardware requirements i dont feel so bad about, but i generally build computers with some staying power, besides you dont have to run with high GFX settings.
When i games i did so with lowest setting and a low resolution on my CRT monitor and 100 - 200 FPS in the game and 100 - 200 HZ on my monitor.

Of course today you cant well do reduced resolution as the flat screens pretty much lock you in with one resolution, but you can still dial much of the eye candy back witch will give you highly playable flow.
Only single player relaxation do i play with GFX on the higher settings and i can make do with lower FPS, but multiplayer tend to get competitive and so i am willing to go to extremes to boost my chance of performing good.

Ps. just changed to my first flat screen monitor, but its just 1080p and this side of a major lotto win i have no reason to upgrade, and even if i did i would probably go to a TV which now are getting gaming monitor performance / tweaks so i could get me a 4K /42" screen much cheaper than a smaller true gaming screen.
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I’m in a bit of the Stone Age when it comes to consoles, still on a PS3 playing Battlefield 3. My main go to is Starcraft 2 which I play regularly.
I'm in the stone age too with a PS3. The great thing about it is you can pick up used games for CHEAP on ebay. I'm talking less than $10 per game if it was a popular title with a lot of copies sold. Currently working through The Evil Within, which is a third-person horror shooter directed by the same guy who did Resident Evil 4.
I play on PC but still have a PS3 which is mostly collecting dust. My main focus is usually sim racing games but I also enjoy the Fallout series and random indie games.

But RC's have taken over most of my free time and attention lately.

Steam name: HumboldtEF
I'm a gamer, but definitely not hardcore anymore. I used to play COD for hours on end pretty much every night. Then my clan started having kids and adult got in the way of fun.

I bought a Nintendo Switch that's a lot of fun. Haven't used it in a couple of months though. I tend to game more when the weather is ugly. I also have a PC with a steering wheel where I drive/race a lot.
I'm a gamer, but definitely not hardcore anymore. I used to play COD for hours on end pretty much every night. Then my clan started having kids and adult got in the way of fun.

I bought a Nintendo Switch that's a lot of fun. Haven't used it in a couple of months though. I tend to game more when the weather is ugly. I also have a PC with a steering wheel where I drive/race a lot.

This too. I used to play MoH, CoD 1&2 and BF2 with the same group of people and it was a blast. Like Jato said, eventually life gets in the way and people drifted away one by one...
I'm not a PVP guy so I stick to Elder Scrolls series, Fallout Series, Farcry, Borderlands, etc. I coop Borderlands and FarCry mostly with my wife who is also a gamer (no kids, lots of dogs).

Did anybody see the Fallout 76 teaser? More info at E3! edit: never mind, lol.
I always said if you game more than 6 hours every day, then you are hardcore and should be deadly in what ever game you play.

I did 6 - 8 hour daily back then and i think most months i was in the top 100 worldwide, but so was quite a few in our clan.

i would like to play like that again as i have the time for that and even more now, but i just cant find a FPS game worth playing and FPS are the only ones i can get serious about.
Anyhow bordering 52 i am probably not that fast anymore :)
So I just read an article on Kotaku that said Fallout 76 is likely to be multiplayer which would be quite the change, also that its set 20 years after the war (instead of 200) which should make for some different elements. I'm exited to see what they've come up with.
i would like to play like that again as i have the time for that and even more now, but i just cant find a FPS game worth playing and FPS are the only ones i can get serious about.
Anyhow bordering 52 i am probably not that fast anymore :)

Have you tried destiny 2? It’s a bit different than the run and gun twitch play of call of duty, and there is a ton to do that isn’t pvp.

So I just read an article on Kotaku that said Fallout 76 is likely to be multiplayer which would be quite the change, also that its set 20 years after the war (instead of 200) which should make for some different elements. I'm exited to see what they've come up with.

Multiplayer eh? That’s interesting. I hope it’s more co-op based than pvp.

I’ve always liked fallout as an independent anti social game myself, can just lose yourself in there for hours; crafting, scavenging, and chewing bubble gum. Perhaps since it’s so early in the timeline there will be more to build, structure wise.
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