I wanna be Dave
Time to talk about JULY. How does the 16th sound for everyone?
Glad ya'll had fun. First comp I've missed in 5 years. Looks like a cool place. See you at the next one."thumbsup"
Missed you Kevin. It did seem a little strange without you there. Rusty and Chris did a great job filling in though.
I had lots of fun and want to thank you guys for letting me come play trucks on your rocks. Super nice spot. Shady and soft. Easy on the old guys. Congrats to Tommy for the wins. Good to meet you and nice job of driving on some challenging courses. Always good to see the regulars and meet the new guys. Hope to make the next one.
Sid did rip his pants but he was hungry and wanted to go somewhere nice to eat. So I told him we would stop at Walmart and I would buy a beach towel to cover his ripped pants since I could use an extra towel anyway. So here's a photo of Sid in the towel I bought. We ate at Longhorn......so funny.
SpongeBob SidPants! :lmao: Love it Sid!!! Yeah NENC is that weekend and several of us are trying to go to it, what other Saturday works for you Harvo? The 23rd or the 30th? Looking at projected weather either weekend will be 50/50 so it is kinda either or and it is "projected" weather lol
I can make it on the 30th just depends on where ill b watchn