I am sorry, but people driving like that on public roads, i just want them to kill them self and as fast as possible please.

I am sorry, but people driving like that on public roads, i just want them to kill them self and as fast as possible please.
^^Exactly why I love sim racing. I can drive stuff that no matter how much money I make, I'll never be able to afford it in real life, or they just don't even exist to buy any more anyway. And most people with a decent job can afford really high end sim racing gear. I'm still hoping for a DD wheel at some point next year.
I love sim racing and arcade racing and while it scratches my competitive itch to a certain degree it does not satisfy my need for speed and being one with a vehicle. That may come in the future, but right now that feedback isn't there.
<iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/a8ScSreCCNo?rel=0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen="" width="1280" height="720" frameborder="0"></iframe>
was JUST talking about this last week, that oddly enough id never come across a V8 swap prowler, even with the LS craze.
very cool. i think with a few mods those cars could be made pretty cool. i always liked them.