First crawler I ever got. Immediately started throwing brass at it. Of course motor bogged down, so upgraded the motor.
Finally got my hands on some RC4WD tires and wheels. Was stoked!
Then had to see someone post a conversion on here with theirs. Decided I wanted that look, and started building. Saw 2FM build some brass links, and decided to go for it. Talk about a pain in the butt. I decided to get some all thread and tap the brass so I could adjust them as needed. Needless to say that didn’t work too well. So JB Welded the all thread into the brass and cut off the ball ends from the old links.
Swapped out the BF Goodrich with some Scrambler and turned the wheel around to have a deep dish with a wider offset.
Originally the suspension was binding the screws that hold the shock tower in on the rear, so removed the screw from the rear shock tower (where it connect to the frame rail) and used that as the new shock tower.
Doing so raked the stance pretty good, so did the same with the front shock mount too. Gonna do some testing to see if this pushes the CG too high to make a difference. If so, then I’ll re configure.
Next on the list is to get the telescoping shock kit for the HR shocks.
Hope to get some video in tomorrow to show side hill and climb angles.
Tell me what you think!
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Finally got my hands on some RC4WD tires and wheels. Was stoked!
Then had to see someone post a conversion on here with theirs. Decided I wanted that look, and started building. Saw 2FM build some brass links, and decided to go for it. Talk about a pain in the butt. I decided to get some all thread and tap the brass so I could adjust them as needed. Needless to say that didn’t work too well. So JB Welded the all thread into the brass and cut off the ball ends from the old links.
Swapped out the BF Goodrich with some Scrambler and turned the wheel around to have a deep dish with a wider offset.
Originally the suspension was binding the screws that hold the shock tower in on the rear, so removed the screw from the rear shock tower (where it connect to the frame rail) and used that as the new shock tower.
Doing so raked the stance pretty good, so did the same with the front shock mount too. Gonna do some testing to see if this pushes the CG too high to make a difference. If so, then I’ll re configure.
Next on the list is to get the telescoping shock kit for the HR shocks.
Hope to get some video in tomorrow to show side hill and climb angles.
Tell me what you think!
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