Is this the Donnie who thinks these are "silly comps", or the Donnie who complained the comp in Denver back in September was "too hard', or the Donnie who "didn't split from SOCO RC Crawlers, just want to do his own thing with 'scalers' and so the large group doesn't piss anyone off" or the Donnie who rendezvous in secret areas so other RC enthusiasts can not participate unless they are in the "Inner Circle"? I'm confused.
I can certainly appreciate your spirited rivalry but I'm guessing it comes off as condescending and perhaps projecting a hypocritical overtone. If you are inviting the SOCO RC Crawlers to attend the Scale Adventure series at Red Rock this weekend, find a better way to do it.
SOCO RC Crawlers in a "Family friendly, Sunday Fun-day" trail RC group who reserves the right to hold LOCAL sanctioned competitions as we see appropriate. At this point, we have chosen to hold a Trail Comp Class event, which by the way, is a USRCCA based comp using USRCCA rules....not SORRCA. SOCO RC Crawlers has a growing group of individuals from Monument, Pueblo, Canyon City and C. Springs. We will continue to hold local events as well as local "Sunday drives" for those coming from out of town to a central location instead of traveling to Denver on a continuing basis...hence "Local"! I'm sure at some point, members will choose to travel where ever to go to the events of their choice, but I highly doubt we will follow the Denver series as that will take our "LOCAL" out of SOCO RC Crawlers and those who drive from out of town will either have to drive further, or not at all as we will cease to be LOCAL.
For all to take note - USRCCA is a ROCK CRAWLER competition group and SORRCA is a SCALE competition group...They are NOT the same group, they are 2 different governing entities! The SORRCA rules were copied from USRCCA and more rules were added to encompass Scale rigs and the variations therein. There is a large difference in class, rig spec and operational rules between the 2 classes.
Trail Comp Class (TCC) is a USRCCA "baby" which came about to draw in the scale rig crowd and provide a stepping stone into USRCCA comp crawling. TCC will operate in this fashion at the regional and national levels....expect that. LOCALLY, it can be operated as seen fit to facilitate max participation, comradery and esprit de corps...with the understanding more stringent rules apply higher up.
As I don't think you are incorrect in your comments regarding rules, I think some information was missing that I hope I cleared up. SOCO RC Crawlers will continue to be what it is and will strive to offer more to members that will challenge the drivers and rigs to better prepare them for competitions as they see fit.
I encourage the "719 Scale RC 4x4" group to continue inviting the SOCO RC Crawlers to events but doing it in a more mature manner
By the way, since you haven't split from us and you're still part of the SOCO RC Crawlers, when are you going to pay your club membership?