Got the swx going, the tubber is allmost ready and the scaler will be ready. Just got to get the tlt going"thumbsup"
___ X2 Show ya' right brotha',....Amen.I dont spend my money on Junk I have bills to pay for. I guess the guys with 2.2 crawlers gotta sit on the side line while only the 1.9's get to play. Sorry that I dont have a 1.9 n I'm never gonna have one. :evil: At least a couple of my Buddies will be at the Benefit Breakfest For My Disabled Son!
I'd Check the For Sale Section.Hey all, I am looking for an Axial roller if anyone has one or knows of someone please shoot me a pm.
thank you
___ Awesome fawking Vid' there chris'. And I was digging all the R/c' snow plow's and a few of the R/c' snow blower's Vid's as well- for they are fawking kool-bean's 4 sur'. I think I'm going to fab'up a snow blade for a scaler soon I was just digging duh' shit outta' them R/c' snow plow's... LMAO' they are fawking kool,...Huh. Thank's for making that Vid' brotha'. it was awesome. ~Scoot'er~Here is the first video i got the other day, not much but other one is 30 mins long so it will take me a little while.
Man'...I am so sick of this fawking snow each and every single day for I don't know long now it suck's,...ya' know's I can't wait till spring how about you...?!! Plus I'm also tired of being coupe up so much and letting my ol' knee heal up all this winter long a well. it's doing good. But, can still lock up on me whenever it please's. and they did'nt cut the nerve as i wish they would have also'. "Just been bored shitless"...I reckon'. ~Scoot'~