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Bay City or Tri Citys MI

Its sounding like chris and troy are coming down Sunday. So I'm sure troy will take some more Sick pics. I want to get a 1;9 trail ride going.
I dont spend my money on Junk I have bills to pay for. I guess the guys with 2.2 crawlers gotta sit on the side line while only the 1.9's get to play. Sorry that I dont have a 1.9 n I'm never gonna have one. :evil: At least a couple of my Buddies will be at the Benefit Breakfest For My Disabled Son!
Got the swx going, the tubber is allmost ready and the scaler will be ready. Just got to get the tlt going"thumbsup"

I dont spend my money on Junk I have bills to pay for. I guess the guys with 2.2 crawlers gotta sit on the side line while only the 1.9's get to play. Sorry that I dont have a 1.9 n I'm never gonna have one. :evil: At least a couple of my Buddies will be at the Benefit Breakfest For My Disabled Son!
___ X2 Show ya' right brotha',....Amen.
Hey all, I am looking for an Axial roller if anyone has one or knows of someone please shoot me a pm.

thank you
I'd Check the For Sale Section.

Come on bill put some 1.9s on that Big Blazer. I want to run a couple of runs one with 1.9s and a 2.2 one justto get some sweet vid footage. Just becouse we all know that the 2.2s will walk all over the 1.9s. I not trying to leave out the big guys just trying to protect the little guys. (from the Jay Button)
Here is the first video i got the other day, not much but other one is 30 mins long so it will take me a little while.

___ Awesome fawking Vid' there chris'. And I was digging all the R/c' snow plow's and a few of the R/c' snow blower's Vid's as well- for they are fawking kool-bean's 4 sur'. I think I'm going to fab'up a snow blade for a scaler soon I was just digging duh' shit outta' them R/c' snow plow's... LMAO' they are fawking kool,...Huh. Thank's for making that Vid' brotha'. it was awesome. ~Scoot'er~
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Good video chris!! Can't wait to go crawling again on sunday. Hopefully I can get my 1.9 fixed, it was giving me glitches from hell the other day out of nowhere.

BTW I will bring some stuff for sale as well if anyone is interested.
xxxnt-$80 b3 team car-$60 tazer 15t esc $15 axial T.R. body $35
Man'...I am so sick of this fawking snow each and every single day for I don't know long now it suck's,...ya' know's I can't wait till spring how about you...?!! Plus I'm also tired of being coupe up so much and letting my ol' knee heal up all this winter long a well. it's doing good. But,...it can still lock up on me whenever it please's. and they did'nt cut the nerve as i wish they would have also'. "Just been bored shitless"...I reckon'. ~Scoot'~
Man'...I am so sick of this fawking snow each and every single day for I don't know long now it suck's,...ya' know's I can't wait till spring how about you...?!! Plus I'm also tired of being coupe up so much and letting my ol' knee heal up all this winter long a well. it's doing good. But,...it can still lock up on me whenever it please's. and they did'nt cut the nerve as i wish they would have also'. "Just been bored shitless"...I reckon'. ~Scoot'~

You live in the wrong state if you dont like snow :mrgreen:

Thanks for he kind words guys.

Scott I'm intereted in the b3, ill see what i can come up with.
Hey chris...im also interested in trades as well...so if you have anything you're looking to get rid of we could work out some kind of trade.