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Bay City or Tri Citys MI


painted it my self lol
___ Yo' Jay - I like that ol' chevy body and it look's good all red too' - for I've been wanting that very same body myself. - It Look's great man'. Now scratch it up some & give it sum' hell - Scoot'.

Really happy with the speed control, not very happy with the distruction that happened today. Need to save for a radio. The glitching is driving me nuts. Hopefully, I can get things straightened out by next weekend."thumbsup"
Thanks for all the fun sunday guys! It was fun even though my truck was glitching like a Bit_h:twisted:. Slim thanks for letting me drive one of ur trucks since mine was messing up. I must be cursed with bad luck this year! Oh wait it was that crappy Spektrum controller. I am gonna try my Welfare Traxsus controller again n see what happens."thumbsup"

Well I got everything tore apart last night. Moved the battery tray forward and into the midle. Installed the body posts. Not going to be easy to drill the holes with the paint already on the body.

I was thinking of moving the speed controll into the tool box. Ya know just drilling some holes so the wires can get out. This shouldn't cause any problems should it?

As usual I have plans for a new front bumper. I hope that Jay likes this one. In honor of you Jay I will be using the stinger off of the old one."thumbsup"
Had a blast once again crawling yesterday! Thanks again Nick for letting us use your place to crawl!

Hey Jeff when you go to mount that body, put a dab of grease on the body posts, then set your body down on the posts where you want it. Then when you take it back off just drill out where the grease spots are"thumbsup"
Scott When I built that tuber. I built it to run droop shock setup. Just a little tip. and I'm glad everyone is having a good time. I want to run a 1.9 scale run on the course follow the leader style with chris following us with that camera rig.
Cool, I did plan on running droop on it as well. I will try and get a bumper built for the scx to bring it next weekend and do a 1.9 run. The tuber is going to be a 2.2 rig.

I'll run camera during the run.

So, will I have any problems running my speed control out of the tool box. I'm not worried about over heating. I just don't want to ruin it, can anybody see a reason why I couldn't. I've seen guys stuff them in the little scale coolers. Just not sure if the plastic versus tin would be an issue.

Please give some advice.
