I wanna be Dave
OH I'm not scared for mud or water with mine. It just sounds some other people are . and they got to understand that this a comp for nasty trail capablie rigs. You seen mine once i lay down ruts its going to be imposible for some one to follow them with a 1.9 rig so it sounds like we might have to do a trail run and the ttc.
I don't think it's a scared thing as much as it's a money $$$$$ thing, guys have got alot invested in some of these trucks to submerge them in water. I'm not saying it can't be done with a balloon, RTV or greese, there's always the chance that you are going to fry something, thats what makes people scared. IMO
Let me expand my thoughts on it or not I think it is the prevailing fear of most.
To build a nice scale rig you spend time and money as Darren stated to make it look scale. Be it nice tube work or interior work and so on. I'm building a scaler (real scaler with realistic chassis and a hard body with interior) and hope it can make it to the TTC and be worthy, it probably won't beat many in most of the obstacles because it is a scale truck, planned before this TTC was finalized and I like the direction I planned.
I don't have the $$$ to build a TTC only truck. I want to win in a TTC thats a comp not just a trail ride with friends. So will my truck have a chance...not compared to say a wild Mudder like Jesse's Hotness in some obstacles. However some of the rules will predict my plans to win hill climb more readily. Again the plans might give my truck an advantage in the mud based on the consistency of the mud.
I also like to run expensive equipment (servos, ESCs) but thats my preference on my experience in the hobby. Water and mud wreck havoc on electronics, batteries, and most often forgotten bearings and gears.
Basically its another truck you want, or you are building a TTC truck as a scaler, which many might argue is not so true to scale in a scale run. I've noticed the scale world to be "fickle" on what is a scale truck. Some argue a 1.9 is with 4.25" tires would be max'ing it on true scale (remember 1/10th is a very general term in our hobby).
I'll be there to run mine and have some fun. I can say it might not see the Tank Trap or Mud Pit....but it might. I will guarantee it will love the hill climb and the Tow Test.