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any crawlers in MN?

actually the following weekend has flipped as well.... now it looks like its gonna be a cold one, this weekend will not be bad for temp. I guess we will just have to play this one out and see how things are looking Saturday.
pro beater said:
i was at the show on sunday , with my son , but i'm in Cottage Grove:flipoff:

Were you at the pit party?

I am on Team Extreme and was behind the table and we talked to a guy with his son and his son ran a rig using TLT axles and a stampede tranny. My dad talked the most to ya (if it is you) but I talked some...I was the one that just bought the TLT after hearing it was discontinued.

It might've been you.
Nicklepimp said:
Swhenrik, I didn't know you were the guy running the mini t's at the X-Games.
I was trying to remember where I posted that.... Oh yeah, I didn't, it was in a PM to Freetimecrawler, I guess he leaked the info to you huh? LOL.
Nicklepimp said:
That was a sweet little setup you guys had."thumbsup"
Thank you. Amazing how much work it took to build such a little track. Still nothing compared to the work you guys put into the temporary crawler course though, hauling in all the rock!!!
Nicklepimp said:
By the way, if you know who that 9 year old was that wooped my a$$ that day, let me know. Cause I want my rematch.;-)
On the Mini-T track? There were a few kids there doing good. The one helping us out a lot was Fisk's nephew.
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pro beater said:
yea , that was me , at the pit party with my son "thumbsup"

hmm, guess we've already sort of met.

I was the kid in the black hat with the green fish on it and the flames on the thing that shields your eyes, I think the proper term is the bill?
Hey, anyone here run a rig with clod axles and a grey Ford F-350 body?

I was at R/C car kings the other day and there was a truck running clod axles and a grey Ford F-350 body on it and I asked JP whos truck that was and he pointed to a guy paying for his stuff and I just said, "Cool truck" and he said, "Thanks"

I was there with my friend getting some stampede parts for me and he was lookin for body paint.

Just wondering, seems like you all are popping up everywhere! :shock::lol:
When will you all find a date I'm not busy!!!

This weekend is birthdays for my dad's side of the family and then March 4th I have a Team Extreme team meet. It's the first saturday of every month we have a meet for team extreme...
Hey every one I won the star in the newbie star give away---YAY...Unholy is th the MAN :)

Now I can give you guy's a pic of my little one--


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Hey every one I won the star in the newbie star give away---YAY...Unholy is th the MAN :)

Now I can give you guy's a pic of my little one--

Congrats on both the youngin, ( what a cutie) and the star win SIRMAXXALOT"thumbsup"
wel fellas , IF there is going to be a G2G , i wont be able to make it , i'll be workin , oh , BE CAREFUL on the roads , SLICK AS SNOT on a brass door knob
So dave, is the park open now???

I say we put the GTG off until march 11th now, weather should be warmer by then :)