freetimecrawler said:Adogg, just wondering why you very seldom post in the Mn thread anymore?
Are you pissed at the club?? or some people in the club??
Tired of crawling? Discouraged about the comps? We did all agree at the meeting early on that it would be the best 6 of 8 comps.
You seemed very involved and interested at first and all of a sudden your interest droped to almost nil.
I would say if you have a problem? Let it out man, don't hold something in that bugs you. Post up, clear the air!!
You build a new comp killer clod 2.2 and then sell it before even running it in a comp? I sense a problem here. We're not in grade school anymore, if you have a problem with someone? speak up and clear the air. I've asked if you thought you'd be interested in running in the R/C-X games and at the comps, and you don't even bother to post back? Now I'd say that seems like you have a problem with someone? maybe you haven't seen the posts?
If you have and just don't bother to answer back? Cause you're pissed or something?? That seems a little childish to me, you know, like back in grade school, "these guys won't let me join their boys club" Fawk them, I'll just start my own club" kinda thing. I thought you might be just too busy? But I've seen you on here posting in other area's so I know you're not to busy to be on the board once and a while.
Just kinda wondering why the sudden loss of interest??
Like I said before, if you're pissed at someone? Post up, let it off your chest!!
Ok, done now. I just had to get that off my chest.
Adogg13x said:Whatever, I’m glad you feel better.
But really... Excuse me!!?!!? Where the F*** do you come off making claims like that!?! You don’t know me, You have no idea! But yet you are pretty damn quick to make an assumption that I’m ‘acting like I’m in grade school’? That I might be pissed at someone or more?
Oh no, I haven’t made it to the last three comps, so that must mean that I’m mad at someone or the club and I’m acting like a little kid about it... NO, it’s because the weather sucked! And, I know what we all agreed on for the comps, I got over it, real fast, the fact that I’m out of the running for this year. Don’t think too much on that one, it’s not that important to me. I’ve said it before, it’s the crawling that’s fun, not the competition of it.
I’ve had a lot going on over tha past 6-8 weeks. It is summer time, and I do have other vehicles that I like to run (ie: Baja 5b, TC4, E-Maxx, B4, Villian Ex boat, plus more). I don’t just run my crawlers. And it’s not just all RC stuff. Hell, 45-50 hours a week at work can make you tired too.
About 2 and a half total of those weeks, I had my truck (the Ranger) in the shop getting body work and a new paint job, so I wasn’t really motivated to do anything(that bummed me out enough). Not to mention the flat tire about a week after getting it back which was non-repairable, so here come the new set of tires for $600 (had another bad one in the rear. Besides, I hated those tires.).
You’re quick to assume that there’s a ‘problem’ because I sell my 2.2 Clod before running it at a comp? I ran it plenty, along with my others, in different locations. Probably 1-2 times a week with people like Denny, my brother, Heather, or even by myself testing out new configuration or just for s***s and giggles. There wasn’t any action going on in here, besides comps.
I didn’t like the 2.2 Clod after driving it, a lot. So f*** it, I sold it. Does that really mean there’s something wrong? That I’m ‘acting like I’m in grade school’? Maybe I wanted the cash to help fund my new tires, maybe I just didn’t like it and wasn’t going to run it so might as well get rid of it, or maybe I wanted to build something else and used the money from that sale to buy stuff for a different one. Where’s the problem? (Hint: it’s in the assumption)
As for the RCX stuff, I’ve seen mention of it. I don’t know if I’m going or not, so I figure there’s no reason to say anything yet. If you really require an answer now, for whatever reason, then “maybe”. And the post you’re talking about, I didn’t go back and read anything in that thread after I posted what I needed to say. I left it alone cause it was meant for comp results and photos. And I wasn’t going to drag it on...
Yeah I’ve been posting in other threads, but if you take a look at what I post, It’s helpful and informative stuff. I do like to help out on RCC where I can.
So, have I been mad at anybody? No... Not really till about now when someone decided to make their own assumptions about me, and in such a negative way.
freetimecrawler said:First off it wasn't supposed to be taken negative, I guess it depends what kind of mood you're in? IMO being a member of any club, be it the Boy Scouts or a church group takes a certain amount of commitment and dedication, especially the 1st year. But I also realize that there shouldn't be, and isn't any obligation to the club. The club is, First off, and foremost for fun, and we like to encourage anyone/everyone to come when they can make it. However, that being said, it wouldn't be a very functional club if we all just showed when it was most convenient. It would be nice if we could just post up on a Wed, guys it looks like it's going to be nice Sunday, lets run a comp. But I doubt having that short of notice we'd get many competitors showing. I guess thats the reason we have a schedule, and people that are interested enough, sometimes make time (when they can). You're not the only One who has other R/c's to run and other things going on. But whatever, I'm surely not going to beg anyone to be part of the group.
As far as the assumptions go, about the 2.2 clod, that was based on talking to Chris and him telling me how excited you were about it, and all the time and effort put into building it, and he said it climbed great. I guess I was just suprised to see it for sale. What you do with it or the money from it is none of my business, nor do I care. Also notice I mentioned you might be busy. The rest of the assumptions are made because, you have to admit, you used to post alot here and seemed more friendly. Normally you'd be posting stuff like, I'm not sure if I can make this or that, etc. I debated about even posting that post, the reason I did is because I wondered what happened to you lately, I guess I could of kept on wondering, or as I decided, get it off my chest and come out and ask if there was a reason we hadn't seen you around posting for awhile on the Mn thread. As for posting elsewhere on the board, that too, is none of my business, nor do I care, I've also noticed most of the posts when I run into them are offering helpful information. I also mentioned that you might have not seen the ques I asked. You have to admit you were here from the start and at about every event before the last 6 weeks, then you haven't posted much in the Mn thread. Just seemed odd to me, (and others I'm sure) like maybe there was a problem. I'm also not reading the post now, but, I don't think I said "you were acting like a child", If you think that? that was your assumption. I think I said or meant to say theres no reason to act childish. If there was a problem? get it off your chest. It was meant as an example. I think all were logical assumptions after hearing from Chris about your 2.2 clod, and not really hearing much from you lately.
Again, it wasn't meant to piss you off. Just clear the air. I guess we've about done that. One other thing, I guess I did take the "Whatever, at least you have One less person to worry about beating now" in One of your last few posts, negative. Seemed like you were pissed. Personally, I have no problem with anyone in our club. No hard feelings here. Hope to see you at another comp soon. But that I guess is up to you.
P.S. I guess if someone had made these assumptions about me, I would of just lol and posted back something like " Naw guys I'm not mad at anybody, just been busy this summer with other things and haven't had the time to dedicate myself to anything" I certianly wouldn't have been pissed, but I guess thats me.
That's good, I'm glad you all do. I wouldn't want to think that it takes me to make it a good time.North Country said:It didn't bother me that you dont come/post, in fact we had a damn good time with out you.:lol:
pro beater said:NOTE TO SELF , dont ask anyone as to whats goin on the might BLOW THE HELL UP![]()
for fuk sake man , IDLE DOWN !!!!!!!!!!!
he was just ask'n
Yeah... And there are better ways of asking that...:roll:North Country said:I didn't find Troys post offensive, he was just trying to see whats up.
Regardless if you feel it was offensive or not, I did.North Country said:My opinion for an apology...FUCC That :lol:
freetimecrawler said:Actually, I wasn't gonna say another word about the subject.
End of story.
I'll see whoever makes it to the comp on Sunday. The weather sounds like it's going to be perfect.
Nicklepimp, do you wanna swing by and grab the bridges again please?