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any crawlers in MN?

Yep. But I just have a Nylint, so I don't really count. HULK is in the TC too, but his stuff too godly to be viewed by our mortal eyes...;-)
who cares if you have a nylint, I'm just looking for others to bash with in the SNOW!!!!:-P :-P :-P let hulk come with if hes willing to get his trucks wet...........crawling, bashing, muddin, snowin, hillclimbing, its all good here!! If you ever want to run em let me know...........
I finally got my TLT done. Waiting ot get my hands on a lathe motor, but she's ready to go! Goes in the harder snow pretty good!
I'm sure we can figure something out. I busted one of the lower link mounts off the chassis last night during testing. I think I forgot to fully braze the nut on, there wasn't much solder there. Anyway, we'll figure something out.

I was at the LHS in B.P. and saw a flyer for a weekly "tough trucks" event on Wed. nights. It looked mainly like bling clod's and TXT for indoor racing and stuff, but the flyer did say "rockcrawling". I thought when my lathe motor shows up I'd go show 'em what a real crawler is. Atleast go and see if there might be an interest in starting a crawling club or somethin.

Found any decent places around the city to crawl? I got a pile of rocks in the heated shop, but the TLT just walks over that . Fun for the Nylints though.
bp? which city is that? I got some good sites, mainly big ol piles of snow, but hey, it makes it more difficult!!!!!! I also found some good rock sites too
bp=Brooklyn Park. The flyer was taped to the Hobbytown window. I think on Wed. nights there is that "tough truck" racing at a local elementary school (around BP). Since the word(s) rockcrawling were mentioned, I thought I'd check it out.

I was thinking of where some good spots to check out might be. Unfortunately my head keeps going back to rock piles underneath river bridges. Not my ideal place to be hanging out, but if the rocks are good.

I'm having a good time in the snow. I'm trying hard to find a lathe, but for now, I got an Associated 15T stock motor. It's goes pretty good for snow wheelin. That and Swamp Dawgs for snow/mud and the lathe and Moab's for rocks.

Where are some of your spots?
DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!! I was hoping that bp was brooklyn park, cuz, I LIVE IN BROOKLYN PARK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm a regular at hobbytown, and I used to work there, they all know me up there!!!!!! I usually go runnin in the construction zone off of zane, right by where I live...........its cool because the terrain always changes. you need to call me so we can arrange something, I'll pm you my #.
I'm not too far from ya then. I'm on Crystal. There's a guy in Minnetonka at that Hobbytown that has been looking into building a crawler too, so I'll have to show him this to get inspired. I think MN needs a crawler club/comp.
I'm in Mankato. I just ordered a TLT, but haven't recieved it yet. I also have a LST I greatly enjoy thrashing the crap out of:lol:

Once I get the TLT built up itd be cool to meet up with some folks to do a little crawling.
I've been too busy to give 4X4freek a shout. I'm getting married, so it's been pretty hectic with that. But, I did get the lathe in finally. This TLT is just incredible, and I'm sure it's not even 1/2 as good as the comp TLT's on here; but it gets the job done for now.

Once the weather gets nicer we'll have to organize a comp. I've been looking all around the city for good places to go. There's a small park by the UofM campus that has some nice rocks along the river.

my friend that i grew up with is in the concrete business and we can make are owe thats what we did for our 1:1 rigs there are a couple of rock piles we can play on:)
Before the snow came, I saw a couple of places I want to check out, but nothing big enough to hold a comp at. Anyway, looks like the heated garage will have to do for now. I just need more rocks!
Glad to see some folks from Mn finally on here!!!!
I'm in the Richfield area and currently running only 1:18 and 1:6 nylints, thats what got me into crawling, I'm in the planning stages of building a clod based stick which I plan on having done by spring. If you don't mind running with Nylints, I'm game almost anytime.
As for future comps, I know some places about an hour South on 61 near Red Wing in the bluffs along the river valley.
Someone wanna set up or suggest a time and place to meet?
Maybe start thinking of a name? Theres enough here for a good start and its easier to post flyers at your LHS if you have a club name.
Just a thought.

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hey, you got a nylint, no prob. hell, its prolly faster than the rest of us. I met up with rerock earlier and compared trucks. We both are gonna be runnin 2.2's so your nylints will fit right in. I'll pm ya my # and we can chat and line up a crawlin session.
J, you just wanted to come over and spy my new comp chassis. That's all, it's Ok though I understand...

I got a couple of Nylints kicking around, they're not as fun as the "real" 2.2's, but they do good for what they are. I'm sure you'll be upgrading soon after you see the 2.2 clod and TLT.