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801RCC Utah Competition Results

801RCC '09 Comp, Event #7 "Descent into Darkness"
July 11th, 2009 (7/11/09)



801RCC '09 Comp, Event #9 "Utah State Champs"
October 10th, 2009 (10/10/09)

This St champion ship had some memorable moments such as. The State title returned to Utah for the 1st time in 2 years. Veteran crawler J-rad coming off a 3rd place finish at "Worlds" has had many podium finished in the last few years but never finished 1st till now where he dominated the 1.9 class, showing us all that he really is the master of the shaft. Also a first in crawling, Jess "DelMontess" drove to an amazing 3rd place finish in the 1.9 class . Making her the 1st woman to take a podium finish at a premier R/C Crawling event. Beating out some big names like Losi sponsored driver and her boyfriend Jake "DelMonte" and the current Utah St 2.2 Champion Mike "NazT". Thanks again to everyone that came out to support 801RCC.



801RCC '09 Comp, Event #10 "Turkey Tumbler"
Nov 14th 2009 -11/14/09-

Well it was cold!!!
I woke up in Wendover to snow everywhere. It had stopped by the time we arrived at the comp spot. Just as I was about to start setting up the courses Murfdog arrived with a weed burner in hand to dry the rocks. Lucky for us the snow never returned so we were able to run on dry rock. Early on in the day Chris from Reno was lookin to be the top finisher he was the only driver all day to finish course #2 but a DNF on course #5 kept him just outside of a podium finish. J-rad struggled on courses #1 and #2 and started the day off with two DNF's he had given up on a good finish but managed to bounce back with 3 solid runs on the final 3 courses giving him a 1 point lead over Chris and a nice 3rd place podium finish. Once things slowed down on course 2 Naz-t had DeanO fill in for him while he ran the courses. NazT started out ruff with a DNF on course 2 (just like everyone else) but made a good recovery by being one of only 4 people to finish course 1. following up with a flawless run on course 3 and two more solid runs on courses 4 and 5 giving him a comfortable lead over the other competitors. The battle wasn't over yet, the "Tuna Club" had yet to run, all of witch had solid runs on the 3 more doable courses. But it was Mac10 making noise late in the day with two flawless runs and a -6 to start. He then DNF'd course 2 putting him on par with the top finishers. He gave course 1 hell but just wasn't able to make "The Wall" that had stopped all but 4 drivers. All the hard work on the first 3 courses paid off giving him a solid 2nd.

Thanks to the guys from Reno for driving out to comp with us.
Thanks to all the judges that stood out in the cold and froze
Thanks to H&R stone for hooking up another set off bad a$$ trophy's
Thanks to T.T. and Honey Bucket for bringing out the bucket (I know that most everyone appreciates it)
Thanks to everyone that came out to support 801RCC


This year we'll be doing the point series a bit different than last year. This year you'll receive points based on where you finish, So 1st will receive 1 point, 2nd will get 2 points, and so on down. Obviously the lower points you have the better you're standing will be. If you miss a comp you'll receive 100 points for that comp. Best 5 of the 6 point series comps counts. Every driver will have one throwout, so if you have to miss a comp you'll still be able to be in contention. This new format should keep the spread very close and should be a bit more exciting as the season progresses.

801RCC 2010 Point Series Standings





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801RCC 2010 Point Series Comp, Event #1 "Frigid Funk"
Jan 23rd 2010 -1/23/10-

Thanks again to everyone that came out to support 801RCC. Thanks to everyone that helped out. The weather wasn't bad at all no rain or snow just wet rock. It was warmer than Salt Lake I know that for sure. The Slick Rock did live up to it's name, it was slick. I think the key was to be as fluid as possible. It seemed once you started a line or obstacle you had to commit, stopping or even steering movements would cause you to slide off your intended line and into a gate or off course completely. Anyway on to the scores


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801RCC 2010 Point Series Comp, Event #2 "Cupids Crawl"
Feb 20th 2010 -2/20/10-

Well I must say that was a great comp. The courses were awesome!! Some of the sickest lines I've ever seen in a comp. When we went through to chalk them I figured no one was going to finish more than one course if any at all but I forgot that 801RCC is home to the best R/C Crawlers on the planet. I was flat out amazed at some of the driving I saw!!! Not that there wasn't carnage and crushed hopes I heard of numerous breaks. one rig completely folded in half :shock: I'm glad the weather held out turned out to be an incredible day of crawling.

Okay on to the scores




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801RCC 2010 Point Series Comp, Event #3 "ShamROCK Showdownl"
March 13th 2010 -3/13/10-

One more time, I just want to thank everyone involved in 801RCC. The Best Club out there!!

I saw a lot of really great driving and a few flawless runs at the "Showdown" Not that "Mr Penalty" wasn't in the house. I think he took it easy on a few drivers so as not to get caught by "Axial Man" Great times and great driving everyone. Time to look forward to the "Fools Day Fallout"

Cya on the rox!!

Sorry for the delay in getting the scores posted.




801RCC 2010 Point Series Comp, Event #4 "Fools Day Fallout"
March 17th 2010 -4/17/10-

What a great weekend!! Man the courses were tough after scouting them out the only one I thought I'd do real good on I broke and didn't even finish. I did drive real good with my 1.9 though. I had a ton of fun camping and hanging out thanks for the good times and the great memories


801RCC 2011 point series:
This year you'll receive points based on where you finish, So 1st will receive 1 point, 2nd will get 2 points, and so on down. Obviously the lower points you have the better you're standing will be. If you miss a comp you'll receive 100 points for that comp. Best 5 of the 6 point series comps counts. Every driver will have one throwout, so if you have to miss a comp you'll still be able to be in contention. This new format should keep the spread very close and should be a bit more exciting as the season progresses.

801RCC 2011 Point Series Standings



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