Rock Stacker

My c3
Class 2 body getting updated
Ya in the 1.9 section but I gotta warn you I'm a slow builder and updates aren't daily, lol. I just hope I get it done by August. Got any side or front pics like the half cab, too.Build thread? Very interested. Here's my 1:1
Maybe.So is there going to be anyone else bringing MEGA/MUD trucks this year or are the FSTR guys going to be the only ones again?
Hopefully there will be enough time to run them and have someone get post-able video content.
Build thread? Very interested. Here's my 1:1
So is there going to be anyone else bringing MEGA/MUD trucks this year or are the FSTR guys going to be the only ones again?
Hopefully there will be enough time to run them and have someone get post-able video content.
Sure wish I could make the trip out again this year. New job as well as other things in mine will keep me on the west coast.
To all those who will be attending this for the first time, you will be attending an absolutely awesome event with some extremely challenging terrain and get to meet some of the friendliest people around, last year was my first time in PA and I plan on returning again some day. RC4WD and all those who put in hours and hours of time to make it happen last year knocked it out of the park, I'm sure they will do the same this year!
To those I met last year, good luck and have fun for me! It was an honor to meet you all and be able to experience your home field .
Sure wish I could make the trip out again this year. New job as well as other things in mine will keep me on the west coast.
To all those who will be attending this for the first time, you will be attending an absolutely awesome event with some extremely challenging terrain and get to meet some of the friendliest people around, last year was my first time in PA and I plan on returning again some day. RC4WD and all those who put in hours and hours of time to make it happen last year knocked it out of the park, I'm sure they will do the same this year!
To those I met last year, good luck and have fun for me! It was an honor to meet you all and be able to experience your home field .
The problem is this great nation we are blessed enough to live in is just too big. I've got alot to chat about with you too as well as the rest of you all. When I win the lottery, I'm travelling the country to visit and hang with everyone.... everywhere. "thumbsup"
I'll get you back again. I thank you for making the trip last year. Maybe need to bring the Scale Challenge to the West Coast. :mrgreen:
Is it august yet?!?
Yah! Just over 3 months!!:shock::shock: