Damn didn't know my west coast dudes were coming out this year...Now I am extra bummed about not making it this year
Congrats n00b for placing in class! I guess cwarler has some go after all ;-)
Hands down the most fun I have ever had at a RC event"thumbsup" Thanks to John and Tom for making this event possible. Also thanks to all the generous sponsors for their support. Super happy to see old friends and make a lot of new ones! I'm hooked, the class 3 is getting rear steer and that sweet winch I won from Rc4wd:mrgreen: Trailer hitching and T-Rex arms for the win:lmao: Big thanks to Rick at SuperShafty.com for all his support and helping me make it to the event"thumbsup" Way to go Jake on the 3rd place!!!
Screen Pics
10 TTC rigs for Sunday
King of Rose