I wanna be Dave
My New Years resolution this year was to drive all of my scale rigs at least once this year. Didn't get the chance to go out much last year at all and several of my builds have been on the shelf for way, way too long! Even if it's just one battery pack, it's time to get out, get some exercise, and see some action. Newer projects need to be finished and tested, and my older builds need the dust blown off and re-finding some old magic.
So to that end, it was Element day...2 of the 3 on the shelf got some run time on Sunday, the third one (Gatekeeper) needs some paint yet, so it will have to wait a bit. All three are different, These two both started as builders kits, first run for the gray Sport, second for the Blue truck.
My Element "sport" has an IFS kit and a Traxxas sport body, which I think looks really nice with the IFS kit.
The second is a standard builders kit with solid axles. Both have SSD brass and a few Samix goodies, WP1080's and Crawlmaster sports.
I started with the Sport and did a long loop exploring around the mountain. Spring is springing, so I took the opportunity to go visit some areas I can't get to once all the growth sets in. Kind of an expedition run!
The General Grabbers didn't really impress me in the past, but did pretty well today, even in the somewhat wet conditions. Did really well on the rocks, but fell short a bit in the leaves and mud. I do like the look though, they fit the rig.
I left the rear suspension fairly soft, so it tends to 3-wheel a bit on steep climbs, but it's a boss at picking its way through terrain on the trail. Very capable rig, even with the IFS. I did notice a lack of front clearance, but it just meant I had to focus on where I was driving.
Love climbing this spine rock, it's a challenge to get up there, but makes for good pics!
I feel like I should yodel when I get up here...
I can't get back here once it's all grown over, but there are some great rocks over here!
After I got back to the parking lot, I switched over to the solid axle truck and went to a more aggressive area. It's got a ton of suspension travel, pretty standard fare for an Element chassis. It bobs and weaves a bit, but it's nice and stable. Stupid capable, went pretty much wherever I pointed it. Fun truck!
Lots of roots! A bit of a tough go with 4.5" tires, but picked through no problem.
Can see the dust on the bed.
Definitely deserved a day out!
Really like this body combo, though I'd like to do something with the bed eventually.
So this year, I've run my three Traxxas IS builds, and now 2 Elements. 5 down, a bunch more to go! "thumbsup"
So to that end, it was Element day...2 of the 3 on the shelf got some run time on Sunday, the third one (Gatekeeper) needs some paint yet, so it will have to wait a bit. All three are different, These two both started as builders kits, first run for the gray Sport, second for the Blue truck.

My Element "sport" has an IFS kit and a Traxxas sport body, which I think looks really nice with the IFS kit.

The second is a standard builders kit with solid axles. Both have SSD brass and a few Samix goodies, WP1080's and Crawlmaster sports.

I started with the Sport and did a long loop exploring around the mountain. Spring is springing, so I took the opportunity to go visit some areas I can't get to once all the growth sets in. Kind of an expedition run!

The General Grabbers didn't really impress me in the past, but did pretty well today, even in the somewhat wet conditions. Did really well on the rocks, but fell short a bit in the leaves and mud. I do like the look though, they fit the rig.

I left the rear suspension fairly soft, so it tends to 3-wheel a bit on steep climbs, but it's a boss at picking its way through terrain on the trail. Very capable rig, even with the IFS. I did notice a lack of front clearance, but it just meant I had to focus on where I was driving.

Love climbing this spine rock, it's a challenge to get up there, but makes for good pics!

I feel like I should yodel when I get up here...

I can't get back here once it's all grown over, but there are some great rocks over here!

After I got back to the parking lot, I switched over to the solid axle truck and went to a more aggressive area. It's got a ton of suspension travel, pretty standard fare for an Element chassis. It bobs and weaves a bit, but it's nice and stable. Stupid capable, went pretty much wherever I pointed it. Fun truck!

Lots of roots! A bit of a tough go with 4.5" tires, but picked through no problem.

Can see the dust on the bed.

Really like this body combo, though I'd like to do something with the bed eventually.

So this year, I've run my three Traxxas IS builds, and now 2 Elements. 5 down, a bunch more to go! "thumbsup"