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Drive Them All! A Year Long Project


I wanna be Dave
Sep 1, 2011
Douglassville, PA
My New Years resolution this year was to drive all of my scale rigs at least once this year. Didn't get the chance to go out much last year at all and several of my builds have been on the shelf for way, way too long! Even if it's just one battery pack, it's time to get out, get some exercise, and see some action. Newer projects need to be finished and tested, and my older builds need the dust blown off and re-finding some old magic.

So to that end, it was Element day...2 of the 3 on the shelf got some run time on Sunday, the third one (Gatekeeper) needs some paint yet, so it will have to wait a bit. All three are different, These two both started as builders kits, first run for the gray Sport, second for the Blue truck.

My Element "sport" has an IFS kit and a Traxxas sport body, which I think looks really nice with the IFS kit.

The second is a standard builders kit with solid axles. Both have SSD brass and a few Samix goodies, WP1080's and Crawlmaster sports.

I started with the Sport and did a long loop exploring around the mountain. Spring is springing, so I took the opportunity to go visit some areas I can't get to once all the growth sets in. Kind of an expedition run!

The General Grabbers didn't really impress me in the past, but did pretty well today, even in the somewhat wet conditions. Did really well on the rocks, but fell short a bit in the leaves and mud. I do like the look though, they fit the rig.


I left the rear suspension fairly soft, so it tends to 3-wheel a bit on steep climbs, but it's a boss at picking its way through terrain on the trail. Very capable rig, even with the IFS. I did notice a lack of front clearance, but it just meant I had to focus on where I was driving.

Love climbing this spine rock, it's a challenge to get up there, but makes for good pics!

I feel like I should yodel when I get up here...

I can't get back here once it's all grown over, but there are some great rocks over here!

After I got back to the parking lot, I switched over to the solid axle truck and went to a more aggressive area. It's got a ton of suspension travel, pretty standard fare for an Element chassis. It bobs and weaves a bit, but it's nice and stable. Stupid capable, went pretty much wherever I pointed it. Fun truck!

Lots of roots! A bit of a tough go with 4.5" tires, but picked through no problem.


Can see the dust on the bed. :( Definitely deserved a day out!

Really like this body combo, though I'd like to do something with the bed eventually.

So this year, I've run my three Traxxas IS builds, and now 2 Elements. 5 down, a bunch more to go! "thumbsup"
Looks like a great day out.

I really like the idea of this thread, and look forward to seeing more!

Thanks for sharing

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This thread sounds very similar to my dilema!:roll:

I had the same problem last year and only got out once in the backyard. I promised myself that this year I would get out more, though I don't know if I'll get the chance to drive all of my rigs. I wouldn't mind though getting them off the shelf and out on the trails!

Looks like your first day out was a success! Looking forward to seeing more!
My knees are falling apart, it took a day to recover. Crawling around the rocks is way easier for the trucks then it is for me :)

Looking around, I've got about 8 trucks in non running condition for various reasons. I'd like to at least have them together and a run in by fall. Kind of ambitious! We'll see. This coming weekend looks like a washout, looking forward to a build day.
In the interest of making an interesting thread, I've come up with scoring for each of my trucks. 5 Categories I'll rate my trucks on for no other reason than for fun. :) It's like Whose Line Is it Anyway, where the points don't matter. Later on I'll compare scores in the interest of random science and see how things shake out. Obviously, lots of subjective stuff going on here . "thumbsup"

Crawlability - How well does it handle the mechanics of pure crawling on rocks? Grip, weight balance, and sidehilling?
Trailability - Rocks, roots, dirt and leaves - how well does it go down a trail. Is it entertaining? Fun to wheel?
Steering - How well does it steer? Is it agile?
Sexy factor - Otherwise known as scale appearance with a more fun name... Stance, interior, lights, etc. Not my forte, but sometimes I make an effort!
Uniqueability - Is this something I'm going to run into 7 of them on the trail when I go out? Does it stand out in a crowd?

Going back to my previous runs this year:


Crawlability - 6. Crawls well for what it is. Decent balance, amazing sidehill, and a ton of grip. Really wants to lift the front on steep climbs though.
Trailability - 7. Rumbles along the woods, pretty much nothing stands in its way.
Steering - 2. If turning on a dime is good, this couldn't get around the national debt. It's why 4WS is being incorporated in the new chassis
Sexy factor - 3. There's nothing scale about this truck at all...but I do like the overall stance.
Uniqueability - 10. It's one of a kind, doubt I'll see anything like it on the trail

Avg: 5.8 (Truck is being rebuilt with a new chassis and body, should help improve the score)

Trail Telly

Crawlability - 7. Does way, way better than you would expect. Stable, loads of grip.
Trailability - 7. Gets down the trail great. Good suspension travel, decent clearance, and since it's low is scoots under the occasional tree others have to go around.
Steering - 6. Not terrible for an IS truck. The semi locked rear diff helps a lot.
Sexy factor - 6. I think it looks pretty neat. Lights, interior, and some cage details go a long way.
Uniqueability - 10. Definitely not going to run into one of these at a meet.

Avg: 7.2

Crawler Telly

Crawlability - 8. Hugs the rocks, it's like a spider. Not the best I've got, but close in a lot of ways.
Trailability - 2. I've set this one up to crawl, and it lost some trail ability. Low gearing and a lower stance hurts a lot, I won't even take it on a trail run.
Steering - 6. Again, not terrible for an IS vehicle.
Sexy factor - 5. Cool looking, if a bit funky
Uniqueability - 10. One of a kind!

Avg: 6.2 (Truck is being rebuilt with a new chassis and body...longer, wider...We'll see how it compares)

Element Sport

Crawlability - 6. Heavy rack on the back and a somewhat soft suspension in the back means climbing is not its forte. It's predicable though.
Trailability - 8. What it is designed for, looks great working it way down the trail. Hurt a bit with the clearance of the IFS.
Steering - 7. Better than my Traxxas IFS trucks, but not nearly as good as a solid axle truck.
Sexy factor - 8. Love the combo of the sport body with the IFS. Looks like a badass Colorado. Lights all around, really it just needs an interior and some more details.
Uniqueability - 5. Other than the TRX body on an Enduro, not much to set it apart.

Avg: 6.8

Element Enduro

Crawlability - 8. Crawls about as well as any modern platform. Let down a bit by a bit too much suspension travel, really hurts the sidehill but its like a goat uphill.
Trailability - 7. Goes down the trail just fine, not much it can't get over/around/through. 4.5 tires limit clearance just a bit.
Steering - 9. Loads of steering, even with just a "25kg" servo. No issues here
Sexy factor - 5. Love the paint and overall stance. Body wheel combo looks nice. But it's a bit plain overall, and no interior. Why headlights but no tailights??
Uniqueability - 2. Custom paint...otherwise there's not much special going on here.

Avg: 6.2
I like what you're doing with this thread....great idea. I've made a similar commitment to get out more regularly with my rigs this year. They spent way too much time on the shelf the last couple of years. I like the point system you came up with....it adds a fun twist to the endeavor. Great crawling area you have there too. "thumbsup"

Happy trails, Jim
My New Years resolution this year was to drive all of my scale rigs at least once this year. Didn't get the chance to go out much last year at all and several of my builds have been on the shelf for way, way too long! Even if it's just one battery pack, it's time to get out, get some exercise, and see some action. Newer projects need to be finished and tested, and my older builds need the dust blown off and re-finding some old magic.

So to that end, it was Element day...2 of the 3 on the shelf got some run time on Sunday, the third one (Gatekeeper) needs some paint yet, so it will have to wait a bit. All three are different, These two both started as builders kits, first run for the gray Sport, second for the Blue truck.

My Element "sport" has an IFS kit and a Traxxas sport body, which I think looks really nice with the IFS kit.

The second is a standard builders kit with solid axles. Both have SSD brass and a few Samix goodies, WP1080's and Crawlmaster sports.

I started with the Sport and did a long loop exploring around the mountain. Spring is springing, so I took the opportunity to go visit some areas I can't get to once all the growth sets in. Kind of an expedition run!

The General Grabbers didn't really impress me in the past, but did pretty well today, even in the somewhat wet conditions. Did really well on the rocks, but fell short a bit in the leaves and mud. I do like the look though, they fit the rig.


I left the rear suspension fairly soft, so it tends to 3-wheel a bit on steep climbs, but it's a boss at picking its way through terrain on the trail. Very capable rig, even with the IFS. I did notice a lack of front clearance, but it just meant I had to focus on where I was driving.

Love climbing this spine rock, it's a challenge to get up there, but makes for good pics!

I feel like I should yodel when I get up here...

I can't get back here once it's all grown over, but there are some great rocks over here!

After I got back to the parking lot, I switched over to the solid axle truck and went to a more aggressive area. It's got a ton of suspension travel, pretty standard fare for an Element chassis. It bobs and weaves a bit, but it's nice and stable. Stupid capable, went pretty much wherever I pointed it. Fun truck!

Lots of roots! A bit of a tough go with 4.5" tires, but picked through no problem.


Can see the dust on the bed. :( Definitely deserved a day out!

Really like this body combo, though I'd like to do something with the bed eventually.

So this year, I've run my three Traxxas IS builds, and now 2 Elements. 5 down, a bunch more to go! "thumbsup"

You are not alone in this line of thinking. "thumbsup""thumbsup"
Sunday was SCX10 day! 2 of my 5 got the dust blown off and out into the wilds for a little runtime. Heavy rain the night before left the trails just slightly damp with some muddy spots, it was in the low 60's and basically perfect trailing conditions.

First off, my JLU kit. Couldn't come to an agreement to either sell or trade it, so threw some electronics in it, added some scale niceties and a new set of shoes and took it out for a run. I've only ever driven it one time, and a brief one at that - so really, it was like a first drive. 1080/Crawlmaster combo, SSD brass up front, Samix shock towers and mild front OD.

Taking all things into account, this is my second most expensive truck believe it or not. Kit wasn't exactly cheap, and when throwing in all the brass and other goodies I purchased, it rang in just under my Vanquish truck.

I have to be honest - this thing is a straight up turd. Cannot climb to save it's life...suspension is way, way too soft. Could barely make it up my test rock, even with all the brass down low and some nice, new grippy tires. I left off the internal cage to save some weight up top but the stock springs and oil let this truck flop around like a boat in a storm. It does shine on the trail though, it's quite flexy and with the clearance of the portals picks its way though anything...as long as it's not off camber.


At least it looks nice as it fails it's way up and down the rocks.

Not a serious sidehill, but it's already leaning heavily. I've cranked down quite a bit on the left side springs, but it didn't help a bit. I had enough parts on my to outboard the rear shocks so that helped a bit, but on just about any sidehill, the roof suddenly remembered it had a pressing appointment with the ground.

I did a fairly short run, and immediately put that turd back in the punchbowl. When I got back to the truck, I found the battery had shifted to the left a bit - I'm sure on one of its many tumbles. So that was certainly not helping... I do like the 2 speed, it has much closer ratios than the TRX4's and is very usable on the trail. That's about it.

Subjective scores:
Crawlability - 2. Grippy tires saved it from being a 1, but that's about its only saving grace.
Trailability - 7. Good 2 speed ratio was nice even it it was annoyingly loud, and lots of suspension travel. Good clearance too! Only one of my portal trucks with serious torque twist.
Steering - 6. Decent, but a longish wheelbase didn't help maneuverability. I disabled the dig, it never use it.
Sexy factor - 9. It's a good looking rig with the interior, body details and lots of lights. Love the spare tire and 3rd brake light.
Uniqueability - 4. Basic Axial JLU, though I don't see many on the trail.

Avg. 5.6 - needs some serious suspension work before I take this back out again. I'm sure there's potential there, it's just way off.

So after that trail debacle, I switched over to my UMG kit. It was a bit jarring to go from a truck that looks like it should be stable but drives like jello to a truck that looks like it will blow over in a high wind, but is seriously planted. I took this on a long run since I haven't drove it since the last G6 and it did not disappoint. Mods are 1080/Power Hobby 5 slot 12t combo, SSD axles w/brass F/R, Samix shock towers, TRX shocks, and mild front OD.

This truck looks like it would be tippy but it's super planted. Sidehills very well.

I like the looks of the Redcat Irocs, but they are just not super grippy. Not terrible by any means, just not up to the level of Pitbulls or TSL's. I ran it with Pitbull 4.5's at the G6 and they made a noticeable difference. Still, it got where I wanted it to go.

Up the spine, made it looks easy. Short WB and tight steering makes this truck pretty nimble.


Don't look down! Crossing an old RR bridge....pretty far drop into the water if I screw up!

The famed Leaning Tree of St. Petes. Haven't been up this way in a while, stopped for some jerky and to swap battery packs.

Subjective scores:
Crawlability - 8. Truck is super stable, even with the short WB. On steep climbs, the chassis was perfectly balanced and ready, let down a bit by the tires which gave up and spun.
Trailability - 7. Short tires and solid axles gave up some clearance, but it's quite nimble and able to pick its way through the tricky spots.
Steering - 9. About as good as it gets, plenty of steering angle, front OD and a short WB makes this truck turn almost on a dime.
Sexy factor - 8. Love the look - lights, interior, and the overall stance. One of my favorites. Let down only by the odd grill/headlights.
Uniqueability - 7. 10.2 trucks are a dime a dozen, but I almost never see another UMG out on the trail.

Avg: 7.8 One of my favorite trucks to wheel, and looks good doing it. Long overdue for a good trail run. After coming home I swapped out the SSD axles for a heavier set of 10.2's I had laying around- that should help plant it even more. Tires will also get swapped - this rig deserves some better rubber though I'm not sure what to yet.
Last edited:
Excellent write-up and pictures!

First thing I read upon waking up today...as my vertebrae settle into place after sleeping in an uncomfortable bed.

I have an UMG10 body in the same colors, waiting to be installed on a chassis, weathered by a member here that decided to sell it afterwards.

Nice to see how good it looks and performs out on the trail!

Nice update!

I’ve assembled 3 JLU kits and sold them before hitting the dirt, only ever doing some trailing on an rtr version. They look good, but haven’t held enough appeal for me to keep one yet.

I dig the UMG, that’s a kit I looked at a lot but never pulled the trigger. Now that they are gone I really wish I would have got one.

Look forward to the next update

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Nice pics! Good looking JLU. Looks so good out on the rocks and trails. I agree on the capabilities of it. My JLU is pretty much the same type of turd. Sloppy loose suspension with the stock setup. I have yet to fine tune mine, but it definitely needs some shock and spring tuning. It is great for getting scale vids and pics though.

Nice UMG! It too looks great on the rocks. This is a rig that I never bought or paid much attention too because to me it looked really top heavy. I'm sure that is an illusion as you have mentioned that it is well planted, yet looks like it would tip over with a wind gust.
For my money, the UMG was the best kit Axial produced. Aluminum 4mm links, aluminum icons, 5 beadlocks, steel gears all around, light buckets all over and a very good body w/interior for $279 when I got it.

Might get another run later this year.. :)
Speaking briefly, and out of turn, I know...;-)

I've been waiting on my build of the UMG body as I want to run TRX-4 portals under it - Unimogs need portals (Just IMHO).

Plan initially was to use the VS410 chassis and their TRX-4 axle-specific links, which seem to have disappeared.

That was before they offered plastic portal axles of their own, so things will likely change!
Speaking briefly, and out of turn, I know...;-)

I've been waiting on my build of the UMG body as I want to run TRX-4 portals under it - Unimogs need portals (Just IMHO).

Plan initially was to use the VS410 chassis and their TRX-4 axle-specific links, which seem to have disappeared.

That was before they offered plastic portal axles of their own, so things will likely change!

I thought about putting portals under mine too, but it's so stable with the solid axles, I left it alone.

I plopped a Umg cab on my Base camp...Worked out perfectly

Speaking briefly, and out of turn, I know...;-)

I've been waiting on my build of the UMG body as I want to run TRX-4 portals under it - Unimogs need portals (Just IMHO).

Plan initially was to use the VS410 chassis and their TRX-4 axle-specific links, which seem to have disappeared.

That was before they offered plastic portal axles of their own, so things will likely change!

I like this idea! May have to rethink the UMG and build one!:)
I would absolutely love to build a UMG, but zero bodys available anywhere it seems...?

Can't wait to see the rest of the collection and love rhw rating system!!

Thanks Ross
Working on getting some projects that have been laying around unfinished drivable for the summer. This one's interesting....been a while since I messed with a CC01. I have 2 built and ready to go (one's an on-road runner though) and this one has been sitting for ages. Setting up a CC01 day.

This is an old chassis, about 15 years I guess? The Tamiya ABS tends to crack after a while, and this one is no exception. Even the gear cover is cracking around the screw holes, so I'm not sure how durable it's going to be. Thankfully, I have enough spares stocked up for a full re-build if needed.

CR01 portals up front and an AR44 in the rear. The portals are a 1.5 reduction, so I need an overdrive gear in the rear axle to make it work (on order) - by my math, it'll end up with about 14% underdrive in the rear. Also, I need a body (also on order!) but I've got it mostly mocked up and ready to go. Trimmed off a lot of the chassis, and some cut up Wraith chassis parts for rear shock towers. Electronics are in and it's driveable, just needs some finishing work before I can give it a go. I've got a Holmes 20t 5 slot in there with the torque ring removed, I think it'll be geared just a bit tall, We'll see.

Good clearance with the portals!

Bottom shot - no more links hanging down...I've got a bearing carrier tucked in under the plate for a smoother bottom.
Well mother nature cancelled last Sunday's run, so I got a bit or work done in prep for the next few runs. My Iwata airbrush, which wasn't cheap, disintegrated the nozzle this weekend. Pretty pissed, I ordered a simple external mix to use going forward. Really don't need any detail work per-se, and an external mix single action is simpler and easier to clean. Done with the internal mix.

So to that end, Got the body in for the portalled CC01... An Element Ecto body seemed to fit perfectly but it was a bit on the long side for the stumpy CC chassis. I took about an inch out of the back bed and it seems like it'll work out perfect! Need to figure out some mounts yet once the E6000 dries. I swapped out the wheels too. Still waiting on the gears for the rear axle, but it's coming along.

Also, Finally got my other Ecto body painted and swapped onto the Gatekeeper. Feels so much better in hand without that huge cage on top.

And picked up a new VP body set for my VS4 chassis. Not my usual color style, but I like how it came out overall. Was having a ton of issues with my paintbrush, so just glad it came out at all. Almost wrecked a $120 (!) lexan body, that would not have been good. Didn't realize I needed the fenders to mount the body, so I just ordered those yesterday. Still need to reinstall electronics into the chassis, I had stripped them out for sale purposes. Have a 1080 G2 going in, my firs time using a G2 - should be interesting.