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R.I.P. Chip
Jan 21, 2004
The Crawler State
Without fail, everyday we get tons of newbies posting that they have arrived at our site. While this is great and we welcome you, we don't need a thread for every single person.

If you start a thread like that someone will most likely send you to this thread.

Give us the general info:
Who you are?
What kind of rig you have?
Where you live?

If you have a specific question, be sure to use the search feature, and look around. There is a good chance it's been asked before, if not bring it on!

Hey, I'm a newbie.........................

What up ya'll. I'm way up in the (supposedly) frozen North called Canada. Thanx in part to your killer webpage....and all the associated links off of it..........I've decided to dive headfirst into the R/C Crawler world, and scratch build my first crawler chassis.

I'll likely be asking plenty of questions...........and will of course post pics when done. But for now...............hey, nice to meet ya.
Jason, you forgot to put "Read existing threads or search to see if what you're wondering has been covered, and if you have a question pertaining to that subject, reply to it with some more questions"

We have like two pages of threads here and seeing "What tires should I run" three times on one page makes me laugh :lol: :lol:

I'm not a n00b but I'll set a good example

My name is Dave... go figure. I have a clod, it may not have driveshafts but its better than your rig :flipoff: I run about 6-8 packs a day feeding my addiction. I am in Suckramento, CA. Moving to Flagstaff, AZ in three weeks. :)
jason said:
If you have a specific question, be sure to use the search feature, and look around. There is a good chance it's been asked before, if not bring it on!


Dave, Jason did mention it.
Welcome bRIBEGuy,

My name is Griz and I'm a Clodaholic. :flipoff: :flipoff: :twisted: :lol:
I'm from Colorado and if you meet up with The Duke on the rocks it's gonna stomp a mudhole in yer butt. :lol: :roll: Man thats sounds dumb, but Dave started it.

Welcome all Newbies.
Howdy all Im Mr Beav from Pennsylvania, I have a few T-MAXXs and my most recent purchase is a stock unabused clod, which is why Im here. to get into the crawling scene. I have only been here a few hours and have already seen alot more and learned alot more than I thought I could in a couple of hours on the computer. Well Nice to meet yas. see ya in the forums :lol: :P
Hey my name is Rob. I live on LongIsland NY I currently have a t-maxx and an e-pede but I would love to get a crawler these things are way cool. And I also am the owner of www.robshobbiesrc.com :flipoff: (everyone uses that smilely to much hahah :flipoff: )
Hay ,My name is Garrett and my rig is a moded TXT 1,chooped chassie and trany,E Maxx sliders and shocks,and all the other mods I could find here.I live in NY,and need a change from TC ,Crawling is just the thing.I have plans on a "PILE O ROCKS" in my yard so I'll have alot of questions.And alot have been allreedy answered.Later Garrett :flipoff: :twisted: :!:
Hey all, my name is Mark and I am an alcholic with 3 nipples and I like fat chicks, oh and I also love to go on long walks through the park :lol: :lol: 8O

But yeah....for real I'm Mark from Vancouver Island, BC Canada. I currently own a 2wd emaxx, a 4wd emaxx, a jugg with clod axles, and a 2wd savage project that I am converting to electric. I also have a TXT on the way, should get it next week.
I recently got into the crawling scene and found this website to be very informative so I joined up without delay :D

Can't wait to learn all I can about converting my maxx into a serious crawler :twisted:

Later :roll:
Top oda mornin to yas,

Name is Ben and come from Melbourne Australia, Currently have an Inferno buggie that has been customised in to a Hummer-crawler. It was called Buggles as a buggie but my mates call it No5 now as it looks like No5 is alive. Personally I like I-Maxx but hey call it what you want.

This has eventuated from looking at all these very informative forums and having a go. I love my 1:1 crawling and well what better way to have a mid life crissis that get more toys.

I have a super cold in the mail and will thank you all in advance for the education you have given me in the world of rc crawlers.

Cheers guys
Newbie here..
Fairfield (Cincinnati), Ohio is my location..
Currently without a RC truck.. but if I keep hanging out with "toy", I'lll have one real soon.
Great site.. lots of sweet rigs...
I hope to become an active poster on here soon..
Oh yea.. I wheel an XJ :flipoff:


hey everyone,I am new and dont have any rock crawlers yet ,but I have a sport-maxx,nitro mt racer,a mini-t,and a old losi lxt.I live in grants-pass oregon.
My name is Zach. My crawler of choice (and only crawler) is my Sassy chassis based Clod. I ditched the top tub, and made my own radio tray. Then I mounted the shocks on the links, and it became a crawler. I drive it where-ever there's good terrain in Central, Oklahoma. I also own a T-Maxx and an Electric Pede. Both have a fairly large list of hop-ups.

I'm not new to RC or on-line forums. In fact I'm a moderator (along with Highmark who's a member here also) over at RC Jims Place.
My name is Bob and I'm a rockcrawleraholic...but my crawler by choice has been in the shop for quite some time (Jeep), so out of desparation to feed my needs, I'm turning to rccrawlers. After doing some web searching, I am leaning towards a TXT-1 from Tower hobby.
Hello everyone I am new on this site but I have been an RC Freek since I was 12, I have airplanes, had a helicopter, Currently have twe E-maxx's two and 1/2 clods, Losi xxxt, RC10 B3, Kyosho Outlaw Raider and am currently working on a new Crawler Chassis for the clod called the "Cobra" which I will be selling on my future website and RC4WD will be carrying it he currently carries my adjustable motor mounts for the clod that I sell. So if you need some just let me know or go to RC4WD.COM and find the Unlimited Motor mounts by Clod Mod Racing. Well Hope to get to know alot of you and share in some RC fun. My email is courtney@clodmodracing.com if you have any questions or just want to drop a note.

whats up all? noobee here! matt i hale from mo. and i got a x-factor with alot of mods! aluminum, sav axles, side exite exhaust, different body posts! anyway great site, lots of info, antbody sell a full cage for the x-factor?